Last 3 months headlines – Page 1267

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    Securing bank funding through bond issue


    Assura Properties plc (Assura), a wholly owned subsidiary of Assura Group Limited, which owns a £542m portfolio of primary care properties in the UK, secured £110m of funding at the close of last year, not through the traditional route of bank lending but via a 10-year bond issue. Both the ...

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    Proceeds of crime


    Mauritius - Criminal law - Money laundering Director of Public Prosecutions v Bholah: Privy Council (Lords Phillips, Brown, Kerr, Wilson and Sir Malachy Higgins): 20 December 2011 The Privy Council ...

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    Managing the implications of ABSs


    As Birmingham is our home, we have paid tribute to the city by naming some of our meeting rooms after its famous landmarks. One of them is named after Spaghetti Junction, a Medusa’s head of highways. It can take you where you need to go, but it is a long ...

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    Pain of rejection


    I have noticed in the past six months a markedly increased level of rejections being received from the Legal Services Commission in respect of claims for payment, for what can only be described as the most petty of reasons. These include, among many: ...

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    At least say sorry


    In the sympathetic sense of the word, I pity Jewels. The Legal Services Commission clearly does not. An LSC spokesman said: ‘We are sorry to learn that Jewels Solicitors have decided to go into administration and we are now working with the administrators to ensure the firm’s clients continue to ...

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    Naked populism


    In discussing two recent bail decisions, Robin Tilbrook asks, rhetorically, whether racism is now worse than murder. The answer, of course, is that murder is worse, because the victim has no chance of recovery from the damage inflicted.

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    Inventing problems


    Robin Tilbrook’s comments have left everybody in my office thoroughly perplexed. Is he unaware that those accused of a crime are considered innocent until proven guilty? Will he, on behalf of the English Democrats, stand up and call for the repeal of this longstanding approach to criminal law? If he ...

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    Earn the title


    If Mr Pearlman wishes to be called ‘doctor’, I suggest he studies for a PhD or LLD - quite different animals from the solicitor’s vocational qualification. Dr Julian Critchlow, Fenwick Elliott, London WC2

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    Intellectual property


    Patent - Validity - Novelty - Obviousness - Insufficiency Omnipharm Ltd v Merial: Chancery Division, Patents Court (Mr Justice Floyd): 21 December 2011 The Chancery Division, Patents Court, decided, inter ...

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    The innocent suffer


    The ugly shape of the post-crash world is becoming apparent as time passes. Certain structures that were primary causes of the economic crisis are still standing, with their practices more or less unchanged - banks and other financial institutions, for instance - while innocent parties are squirming and suffering. One ...

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    Solicitors wary of new compliance roles


    Solicitors fear the potential risks involved in taking on new roles as compliance officers within their firms, a legal consultancy has warned. The 360 Legal Group says it found ‘serious concerns’ over regulatory changes requiring individuals to monitor their firm’s behaviour and report any wrongdoing - ...

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    Lawyers divided on EU data rules


    Proposed new data protection rules designed to cut red tape and save EU companies €2.3bn a year in administrative costs have met with a mixed reaction from UK lawyers. Under a directive due to be published this week some businesses would be liable to fines of ...

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    LSC wins right to recover overpayments


    The Legal Services Commission has won a test case against solicitors to recover overpayments. The High Court decision is likely to open the way to the commission recouping millions of pounds in payments made on account which were never properly accounted for. The solicitors concerned ...

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    Entry for the Olympics


    With the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games just around the corner, UK government agencies have been working in tandem with national and international Olympic committees to ensure that the much-anticipated events will run as smoothly as possible. One vital task in these preparations has been to set out the ...

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    LSC offers final chance for family contracts


    The Legal Services Commission has fended off the threat of litigation from firms that failed to get family and housing contracts, by announcing a licence-only tender to give firms a final chance to secure a contract. The Law Society welcomed the LSC’s ‘pragmatic and sensible’ decision, ...

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    Abbey marriage


    Fans of the award-winning television drama Downton Abbey will remember the moving scene when footman William, mortally injured in the first world war trenches, married scullery maid Daisy with his dying breath. The producers consulted the Law Society’s library on the rules around special licences ...

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    Service out of the jurisdiction - Alternative forum available - Claimant bank alleging fraud by defendants Alliance Bank JSC v Aquanta Corporation and others: QBD (Comm) (Mr Justice Burton): 14 December 2011 ...

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    Road traffic - Non-custodial sentence - Careless driving - Defendant Olympic star driving down wrong side of road and colliding with vehicle R v Christie: CA (Crim Div) (Mr Justice Treacy and Mr Justice Blair (judgment delivered extempore): 13 ...

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    Family proceedings - Orders in family proceedings - Financial provision V v V: Fam Div (Mr Justice Charles): 21 December 2011 In October 2002, the husband and the wife started ...

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    Ban on PI adverts in hospitals 'unworkable'


    Banning leaflets advertising personal injury lawyers and claims management companies from NHS hospitals is unworkable and counter-productive, the government has been warned. Health minister Simon Burns last week told English NHS hospitals it was ‘not acceptable’ to display adverts for law firms. He said patients should ...