Last 3 months headlines – Page 1262

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    Pre-trial or post-judgment relief - Income payments order - Defendant becoming voluntarily bankrupt in amount of £8,880 Official Receiver v Negus: ChD (Mr Justice Newey): 16 December 2011 In October ...

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    Administration order - Administrator - Restrictions on power to appoint - Sole director of company appointing administrator Re Virtualpurple Professional Services Ltd: ChD (Mr Justice Norris): 21 December 2011 The ...

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    Award - Enforcement - Parties disputing responsibility for collision during voyage charter West Tankers Inc v Allianz Spa and another: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Carnwath, Lloyd and Toulson): 24 January 2012 ...

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    The Rolls Building, London's trump card


    London has long been regarded as one of the most popular venues for resolving international disputes, but the government - and the legal profession - hope that the opening of the Rolls Building as the world’s biggest commercial court will help cement the UK’s reputation as the key jurisdiction in ...

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    Charterparty - War risks - Claimant company chartering vessel from defendant owner Pacific Basin IHX Ltd v Bulkhandling Handymax AS: QBD (Comm) (Mr Justice Teare): 25 January 2012 The ...

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    Electricity - Supply - Feed-in tariff - Secretary of state proposing reduction in feed-in tariff for electricity produced by small solar panels R (on the application of Friends of the Earth Ltd) v Secretary of State for Energy and ...

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    We share your frustration


    Darren Isaacs is wrong to say there has been a marked increase in the past six months in the level of bills we are rejecting. The level of rejects has remained relatively constant.

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    Banking on advice


    Just as I was reading the article ‘Lenders in the line of fire’ a new client of mine rang and mentioned that she was going to get an HSBC mortgage. She was told by the HSBC branch in Belper, Derbyshire, that she had to use their panel solicitor, and only ...

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    Future fusion


    The president’s address on the future relationship between barristers and solicitors is wholly commendable, not least his suggestion that both solicitors and barristers undergo the same training.

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    Not up to the job


    It is good to see Anne-Marie Elliott sticking up for mental health lawyers in the face of corrosive criticisms of standards of advocacy at mental health review tribunals. I see Ms Elliott is herself an accredited representative. Complaints about poor standards, particularly those coming from the tribunal judiciary, almost always ...

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    Loose connection


    Could David Jones explain to defence solicitors how, in the new electronic age, one is supposed to let one’s client in the cells read the case against him? If this client should be remanded in custody, how does one provide the evidence to the client, electronically?

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    MoJ interpreting hub a ‘false economy’


    Concern is mounting that the Ministry of Justice's central contract for interpreting work could prove a false economy, incurring knock-on costs for criminal justice agencies.

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    Rip it up and start again


    The government’s announcement that it would prohibit referral fees may have caused initial joy among the many ­supporters of the Society’s policy that such fees should be banned. But a closer look at the amendments to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill (LASPO) to achieve this policy ...

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    Deadline looms for online PC renewal


    More than one-third of solicitors had yet to start renewing their practising certificates online through the mySRA website by Tuesday of this week, the Solicitors Regulation Authority said. The deadline for the first batch of registrations is Monday (13 February).

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    Referral proposals ‘won’t work’


    The government must abandon its current proposals to ban referral fees in personal injury cases and start again from scratch, Chancery Lane has urged. Writing in the Gazette today, Law Society policy chief Mark Stobbs says the relevant amendments to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and ...

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    Peers pillory third-party code


    Justice secretary Kenneth Clarke may reconsider the case for statutory regulation of third-party litigation funding amid claims that a voluntary code has ‘manifest weaknesses’. The government, which has so far favoured self-regulation for external litigation funders, hinted at the change when it came under pressure for ...

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    Roger Smith: legal aid reforms ‘unsustainable’


    The director of law reform and human rights organisation Justice has condemned the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill as ‘so bad’ that it will not survive if it is enacted. Roger Smith (pictured) described the package of reforms in the bill, which ...

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    Clarity needed over civil litigation


    Whatever one’s views on the ­recommendations of Lord Justice Jackson’s Review of Civil Litigation Costs - and few litigation lawyers will find the whole report entirely to their liking - most would expect the implementation process to be well-managed and transparent.

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    Andrew Grech: leading by example


    When Andrew Grech joined Australian firm Slater & Gordon in 1994, the firm was a quarter of its present size. Now, with some 60 offices around Australia, it handles around 20-25% of the national personal injury legal market, and Grech’s skills earned him the title of Managing Partner of the ...

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    Landmark judgment on fixed-share partner rights


    Fixed-share partners of law firms are not employees and cannot claim employment rights before a tribunal, the Court of Appeal has ruled. However the ruling, in a case brought by Martin Tiffin against southern England law firm Lester Aldridge (LA), applies only when fixed-share partners enjoy some of the ‘obligations ...