Last 3 months headlines – Page 1249

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    Avoiding another costs war


    The purpose of this article is to avert Costs War II. If the Ministry of Justice takes no notice of it and a costs war ensues, it will not be able to say that it was not warned.

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    Intellectual property


    Application - Supplementary protection certificate - Application University of Queensland and another v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks: ChD (Patents) (Mr Justice Arnold): 14 February 2012 The first ...

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    Valuation of general damages in mesothelioma claims


    Unless one has been in a life-threatening situation, it is impossible to grasp the concept of imminent mortality. When young, human beings are blinded from seeing the horizon of their lives by the light of expectation.

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    Accident waiting to happen


    Your feature on work experience made interesting reading. Until a few years ago, I always used to take school students (usually fourth or fifth year) for a week or two. They used to come to court with me and sit in with clients (with clients’ consent ...

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    Passing the buck


    I was consulted by a client who had become completely lost in the claims management process, and even now I am unsure that I have managed to untangle the complex relationships between the various corporate bodies involved.

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    Fair game


    Although the most obvious response to the letter from David Enright is that the concept of justice cannot be reduced to a mathematical equation, it is nevertheless true that there are objective criteria that can be considered and evaluated in some way. Therefore the concept may have some merit.

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    Simple maths


    With reference to David Enright's letter, I do not understand why his ‘equation’ for justice: J = FP+EAOFT is not simply expressed J = FP+EA+OFT ie the element ‘OFT’ (objectively fair tribunal) should be an addend not a denominator.

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    Banks face £1bn blizzard of funded suits


    Venture capital firms are backing litigation worth up to £1bn against major banks over the alleged misselling of interest rate hedging contracts, the Gazette can reveal. A group of cases identified by the company that has secured the backing of funds for the claims, Norton ...

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    Law Society survey to probe wellbeing


    Solicitors are to be questioned on how rapid changes to the legal landscape are affecting their state of mind. The Law Society will include research on members’ wellbeing as part of its survey of the membership this summer. A membership board report says the Society should ...

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    We’ll cope, says Salford claims centre chief


    Managers at the new county court money claims centre in Salford are confident that it will be able to cope with going fully operational on Monday (19 March) despite a barrage of complaints about its service so far. Manager Jason Latham told the Gazette that ...

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    PM's adoption reform prompts warning


    Lawyers have welcomed the prime minister’s proposal for legislation to speed up the adoption process, but warned that changes could lead to increased legal challenges. An action plan due to be launched yesterday will require local authorities to find adoptive parents within three months, or to place children on the ...

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    More time for LDPs to mull ABS options


    Hundreds of legal disciplinary practices (LDPs) have been given more time to decide how to approach the new era of legal services regulation. Under the terms of the 2007 Legal Services Act, some 250 LDPs in England and Wales with non-lawyer managers must decide whether ...

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    Deech confident about QASA roll-out


    The controversial accreditation scheme for advocates has the support of judges and will go ahead, the chair of the Bar Standards Board has said amid a continuing dispute with the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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    Unite joins interpreting campaign


    Britain’s biggest trade union this week joined a campaign for the Ministry of Justice to bring courtroom interpreting services back in-house from a contract with Applied Language Solutions (ALS). ‘The courts system is descending into chaos, as suspects are not being informed of their rights and ...

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    Nuisance - Motor racing - Defendants using land for motor racing Lawrence and another v Fen Tigers Ltd and others: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Mummery, Jackson, Lewison): 27 February 2012 ...

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    Sex discrimination - Employee married to husband - Tribunal dismissing claim Dunn v Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management: EAT (Judge McMullen QC, Mrs R Chapman and Mr P Smith): 2 December 2011 ...

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    Industrial disease wins exemption from CFA cut


    Peers in the House of Lords have voted for sufferers of asbestos-related disease to be exempt from reforms to no win, no fee litigation. The House of Lords yesterday agreed two amendments to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders bill, allowing claimants continued access ...

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    Revving up the blame game


    Stirring words from Admiral as the car insurance giant announced its latest financials. Given all the doom and gloom we hear about the insurance industry in the face of a rapacious compensation culture, it was something of a surprise to hear that group profits were up 13% to £299m in ...

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    Red alert


    The next phase of the government’s red tape challenge, in the first three weeks of June, is legal services. This will involve a review of the Legal Services Act for superfluous regulations, with particular focus on claims management, sentencing and bailiffs. Encouragingly, and despite the ...

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    Unjust deserts


    The boot was on the other foot last week, when Obiter found himself cast as a token male at the International Women in Law Summit 2012. He listened with humility as Law Society vice-president Lucy Scott-Moncrieff told delegates that senior male partners generally thought they deserved their success, rather than ...