Last 3 months headlines – Page 1248

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    MPs call for audit of legal aid changes


    The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee today adds its voice to calls for an independent assessment of the impact of the government's cuts to legal aid. In a hard-hitting report on Ministry of Justice finances, the committee says the government’s own impact assessment ...

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    Briton held under European warrant as charity calls for extradition reform


    A British man has been arrested under the European arrest warrant (EAW) system for a crime of which he was cleared some 17 years ago, the charity Fair Trials International said today.

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    Junior lawyers call for pause to minimum wage consultation


    Scrapping the minimum wage for trainee solicitors without a thorough impact assessment goes against ‘common sense’ and could bar candidates from less affluent backgrounds from entering the profession, junior lawyers warn today. The Law Society Junior Lawyers Division says in a statement that the Solicitors Regulation ...

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    Student lawyers need to adapt


    by Mary Greenhalgh, consultant solicitor at Grant Saw Solicitors LLP It is obvious that future lawyers should speak and write clear, accurate and correct English.

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    Peering into the future


    We have undertaken a Harry Potter-like task recently at the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), but without the aid of wands or potions: we have tried to predict the future. It is always good to have an idea of what is coming down the line, but ...

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    The current legal landscape


    To describe the current legal landscape as interesting would be a real understatement. You could say that a perfect storm is brewing. A variety of different factors mean that the legal sector is undergoing significant change and firms of all sizes need to rise to the challenges they are facing. ...

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    Watchdog calls for regulation of probate services


    The Legal Services Consumer Panel calls today for probate and estate administration services to be regulated and made reserved activities along with will-writing. However in a submission to the Legal Services Board, following a call for evidence on will-writing, probate and estate administration services, the ...

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    Harvey Nicks owner gives £20m to law faculty


    A Hong Kong businessman has given £20m to King’s College London in what the college says is the largest individual donation ever made to a European law faculty. Luxury goods magnate Dickson Poon will fund a recruitment drive for eight new chair positions over the next ...

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    Government regulation of third-party funding shelved - for now


    The question of whether third-party investment in litigation should be regulated by government raised its ugly head one final time in the House of Lords last week.

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    Mind your public language, master of rolls tells judges


    The master of the rolls has urged judges to use caution in speaking about public matters, warning they risk undermining the independence of the judiciary. Lord Neuberger said judges should be free to comment extra-judicially on a wide range of issues, but that they should be ...

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    Hungarian judicial reforms slammed as breach of rights


    Legislation enacted in Hungary by Viktor Orban’s ruling Fidesz party threatens the independence of the judiciary and breaches European Convention rights to a fair trial, an independent legal body ruled this afternoon.

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    ‘Grossly overpaid’ interpreters to blame for courts fiasco, says minister


    Justice minister Crispin Blunt has blamed the ‘grossly overpaid’ interpreters ‘taking advantage of the system’ for the need to outsource the court contract.

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    Stop assessing firms, Law Society tells the LSB


    The Law Society has called for the Legal Services Board (LSB) to forget about regulating the legal market and begin downsizing. The Society says most of the reforms in the Legal Services Act are now coming to fruition, with the establishment of a Legal Ombudsman and ...

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    Pension scheme - Department successfully appealing Molyneux v Department for Education: Court of Appeal, Civil Division (Sir Anthony May P, Lady Justice Arden and Lord Justice Aikens): 28 February 2012 ...

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    Libel and slander


    Publication - Internet posting - Claimant bringing libel action against first and second defendant companies Tamiz v Google Inc and another: Queen's Bench Division (Mr Justice Eady): 2 March 2012 ...

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    Conflict of laws


    Jurisdiction - Challenge to jurisdiction - Civil and commercial matters Merchant International Co Ltd v Natsionalna Aktsionerna Kompaniia 'Naftogaz Ukrayiny': Court of Appeal, Civil Division (Lord Neuberger MR, Lord Justices Hooper and Toulson): 29 February 2012 ...

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    Infringement - Artistic work - Claim arising from use of peer-to-peer file-sharing website Dramatico Entertainment Ltd and others companies v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd and other companies: Chancery Division (Mr Justice Arnold): 20 February 2012 ...

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    Administration - Client funds - Company providing services for clients wishing to invest in securities Re Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in administration): Supreme Court (Lords Hope DP, Walker, Clarke, Dyson and Collins): 29 February 2012 ...

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    The training contract: which way forward?


    In a rapidly changing legal services market, just how fit for purpose is the training contract in ensuring access to the profession is open and diverse and in preparing the next generation of lawyers? The profession-wide Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) is asking tough questions about how and when ...

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    Workplace stress - Employee diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome MacLennan v Hartford Europe Ltd: Queen's Bench Division (Mr Justice Hickinbottom): 24 February 2012 The Queen's Bench Division held that given ...