Last 3 months headlines – Page 1233

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    Construction - Business purchase agreement - Agreement providing for apportionment of payments and liabilities of business before and after effective dates David Whelan Sports Ltd v JJB Sports: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Ward, Stanley Burnton, Elias): 19 ...

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    Flexible working patterns


    In the legal profession’s workaholic culture, achieving work/life balance has always been a struggle - and still is. The term ‘work/life balance’ has such negative connotations in private practice that some firms have banned it from their vocabulary. At Ashurst, for example, they refer to ‘work/life fit’. Speaking at the ...

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    Declaration of paternity - Registration of declaration - Judge deferring registration of declaration of paternity until children informed Re F (children: declaration of ­parentage): CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justice Thorpe, Lady Justices Black, Hallett): 14 December 2011 ...

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    Firm offers £1,500 advance for PI victims


    A personal injury firm with ambitions to open 50 outlets this year is offering a £1,500 cash advance for accident victims who make a claim. GT Law, which has also applied to be an alternative business structure, will require a medical report and insurer’s admission of ...

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    Strasbourg reform ‘watered down’


    The coalition’s blueprint for the reform of Europe’s human rights court in Strasbourg achieved only limited changes after proposals to help clear the backlog of more than 150,000 cases were watered down or removed during negotiations.

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    SRA costs plan 'a burden' says Society


    The Law Society has told regulators that solicitors should not be expected to pay for losses incurred by uninsured firms. The Solicitors Regulation Authority proposed last week that payments would be taken out of the Compensation Fund from later this year. The fund, paid for by ...

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    Court interpreter situation 'improving'


    Large numbers of court hearings are still being hit by interpreter problems nearly three months after new contracting arrangements began - but the situation has improved, new ­figures indicate.

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    Private prosecution pioneer opens


    A firm thought to be the first private prosecution specialist in Britain opened in London last week to ‘fill a gap in the tackling of economic crime’. Edmonds Marshall McMahon, established as a legal disciplinary practice, will specialise in fraud, counterfeiting, regulatory offences, corporate crime and ...

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    Chancery Lane slams ‘flawed’ BSB report


    The Law Society has condemned as ‘flawed and self-serving’ a Bar Standards Board survey alleging a decline in the quality of advocacy. The report, Perceptions of Criminal Advocacy, found that a majority of barristers responding to an online survey blamed pressure on criminal legal aid ...

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    Solicitor rapped for ‘frustrating’ tribunal


    The president of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has backed an employment tribunal’s finding of ‘appalling’ behaviour by a solicitor in a strongly worded judgment.

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    Move to close criminal advice loophole


    A legal loophole that has allowed police to deny suspects their right to consult a solicitor could be closed by a change in the law. Home Office officials have agreed to propose an amendment to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984, imposing a ...

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    Licence - Reduction of terminal hours - Local authority reducing claimant company’s hours of permitted licensable activities R (on the application of Festiva Ltd) v Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court: QBD (Admin) (Timothy Straker QC sitting as a deputy judge ...

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    Signing a will and section 9 of the Wills Act 1837


    Decisions on the formalities of the ­execution of a will usually turn on whether the witnesses were jointly present when the testator signed or acknowledged. In the rather unusual case of Barrett v Bem [2012] EWCA Civ 52, the point in issue was whether the will was signed by the ...

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    Orders in family proceedings - Contact order - Child born following extra marital affair between mother and father Re H (a child: contact order): CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justice McFarlane, Sir Scott Baker): 27 February 2012 ...

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    Difficult to comprehend


    I have followed with interest and mounting concern the Gazette’s coverage of fears about the declining standards of interpretation in UK criminal courts, most recently ‘Interpreter mistake causes trial to collapse'.

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    Why the overlap?


    I note the debate about the future of the Legal Services Board. I remain intrigued and confused. I thought that the Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority represented our professional and regulatory body respectively. Alas, it would seem that this is not the case, ...

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    ‘Light touch’ OFR?


    In her speech on 19 April announcing the delayed dates for the submission of nominations for the appointment of COLPs and COFAs, SRA executive director Samantha Barrass is reported to have said that in support of the nomination ‘a senior manager from the firm must confirm that the firm has ...

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    Outmoded example


    I do not seek to comment on the broad issues raised by the author of the letter ‘Smelling a rat', but I do take strong issue with the facts set out in the two cases he cites in his argument. In each case he mentions that ...

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    PI lawyers rule out ‘deal or no deal’


    Personal injury lawyers are refusing to play ‘deal or no deal games’ with the government over fixed fees for smaller cases. The government has written to all stakeholders asking them to suggest a limit for the value of claim that solicitors should be able to charge ...

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    MoJ: ‘up to solicitors’ to police damages


    A Ministry of Justice official has said it will be up to solicitors to police a key aspect of the civil litigation reforms. Robert Wright, head of civil litigation and funding at the MoJ, admitted last week there is no way for the government to ensure ...