Last 3 months headlines – Page 1213

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    Strasbourg holds a whip-round to clear backlog


    The European Court of Human Rights has called for voluntary financial contributions from member states to fund extra lawyers to clear its backlog of cases.

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    How to keep control of your e-disclosure


    In today’s digital age we are faced with numerous issues related to various types of e-disclosure matters. Be it a litigation dispute, regulatory enquiry or an internal investigation there are common obstacles which need to be addressed at each phase of the e-disclosure life cycle. For instance, a project may ...

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    Society calls for flexibility in AML directive


    The Law Society has called on the European Commission to maintain the flexibility of a risk-based approach to anti-money laundering (AML) compliance as the EC drafts its fourth European money laundering directive. The Society’s response to a call for views also urges the commission to ...

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    Lawyers slam shared parenting plan


    Lawyers have described government plans to introduce a legal presumption of shared parenting after relationship breakdown as ‘unnecessary political posturing’ that could detract from children’s wellbeing.

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    DPAs: start of a new wave of massive corporate fines?


    With the proposed introduction of US-style deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) into UK law expected later this year, it is likely our regulators will soon be armed with a powerful new weapon to fight serious fraud, bribery and corruption. But how should UK companies be reacting to this news and what ...

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    Cheer for SNR Denton partners as profits soar 48%


    SNR Denton’s financial performance has seen a 'material improvement' after its 'disappointing' results last year, according to figures announced today. Unaudited results for the EMEA region report profits per equity partner of £350,000 - up 48% on last year, and pre-tax profits of £28m - a 38% increase over last ...

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    Bill threatens principles of ‘open and natural justice’


    A bill before the House of Lords this week threatens the principles of ‘open and natural justice’, the Law Society has warned. The Justice and Security Bill, which had its second reading in the House of Lords today (19 June), proposes extending closed material procedures (CMP) ...

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    Completion accounts clauses that are a contradiction in terms


    There have been a number of recent judgments dealing with the jurisdiction of experts appointed in the context of expert determinations *. As a forensic accountant, I have been involved with many expert determinations arising from business sale and purchase agreements (SPAs). In my experience, the most common jurisdictional ...

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    Detainees’ rights – now it is personal


    The theme this week is detention and the fundamental rights associated with it: first, the story of a particular man; and then the rights of detained persons in general in the EU.

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    Crichton among birthday honours lawyers


    Two lawyers were among those knighted in the Queen’s birthday honours list announced at the weekend, while the judge behind the pioneering Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) received a CBE. Former deputy High Court judge Clive Callman received a knighthood, chief executive of the Crown ...

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    31 July tax payment issues


    The second instalment of 2011/12 tax is due to be paid on 31 July 2012. In normal circumstances, these payments are calculated as 50% of a partner’s 2010/11 tax liability. However, if a partner’s 2011/12 tax liability is anticipated to be lower than for 2010/11, then interim instalments based ...

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    Record profits for Eversheds as the good times roll again


    Eversheds has returned to growth and posted record profits after three years of declining or flat revenues. Profit per equity partner climbed 14% to £632,000 in 2011/12, while income climbed 3% to £366m. Net profit grew 10%. In a statement, the firm said all major ...

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    Appeal tribunal slaps down serial employment litigant


    A litigant who began 31 sets of employment tribunal proceedings over 28 months has been told he can bring no more cases without the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s express permission.

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    Quindell snaps up claims networker to sidestep referral fee ban


    One of the biggest new entrants to the legal market has invested in a networking business that brings together claims management companies (CMCs). AIM-listed Quindell Portfolio, which already owns a law firm and has applied to become an alternative business structure, said the move was designed ...

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    Senior lawyers attack closed civil hearings


    Government plans to hold certain civil court hearings in secret have come under fire from 50 senior lawyers who have said that no case has been made for introducing such an ‘inherently unfair’ procedure. The 50 lawyers, all special advocates with experience of the present system ...

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    Courier ‘teething problems’ hit London courts


    Courts in London have been disrupted this week because of ‘teething problems’ with the new courier service employed to deliver Crown Prosecution Service files to court. An executive officer of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors Association, Greg Powell, told the Gazette that prosecution files arrived ...

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    CofE’s wedding rules can be elastic when it wants them to be


    Is the Church of England taking a consistent moral line over gay marriage? At one level it would be nice to think so. While I do not share the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage, no one is truly comfortable with tales of parents feigning faith to obtain a church school ...

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    High Court vindicates RSA on ‘in-house’ repair deals


    An insurance company was entitled to set its own rates for vehicle repairs after claimants suffered accidents, a High Court judge has ruled. In his preliminary judgment on the case of Coles v Hetherton released today, Mr Justice Cooke said RSA Insurance was entitled to ...

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    Social security


    Services for sick and disabled persons - Assessment of needs of sick and disabled persons - Direct payments R (on the application of KM) (by his mother and litigation friend) v Cambridgeshire County Council: Supreme Court (Lords Phillips, Walker, ...

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    Family proceedings


    Disclosure of documents - Third party Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Charman and another: Family Division (Mr Justice Coleridge): 29 May 2012 The Family Division, in dismissing an application ...