Last 3 months headlines – Page 1174

  • News

    Solicitors cool on Conservatives' employee share scheme


    Chancellor George Osborne’s plan for employees to exchange legal rights for tax-free shares in their workplaces has received a cool reception from employment lawyers. In his speech to the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, Osborne said that under the ‘voluntary three-way deal’ employees would ‘replace ...

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    Online legal comparison pioneer to unveil site revamp


    Legal services comparison site Wigster is planning a high-profile relaunch following the appointment last week of entrepreneur Matthew Briggs (pictured) as a director. Briggs, who is chief executive of the online claims management business, was previously the non-lawyer chief executive of personal injury firm ...

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    IBA 2012: Robinson urges lawyers to join climate fight


    The International Bar Association has heeded a call from former Ireland president Mary Robinson (pictured) to join the fight against climate change. At its conference in Dublin, the organisation confirmed it will set up a taskforce to help fulfil the agreement reached at the UN ...

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    Add-backs and costs


    Add-back arguments in financial order proceedings tend to arise in two situations: in respect of costs, where one party has incurred significantly higher costs than the other; and where one party has dissipated assets and those assets should be added back to that party’s share. ...

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    My priorities for Chris Grayling


    by Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, Law Society president When Chris Grayling was appointed lord chancellor and justice secretary, much was made of the fact he was not a lawyer.

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    No case to answer? Private prosecutions and prospects of conviction


    When should you be allowed to bring a private prosecution? The very idea that a private individual may be able to initiate the state’s powers to prosecute and punish offenders may strike some people as strange. Isn’t that the job of public prosecutors, such as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)?

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    Missed moments


    Lord Denning suffers a moment of self-doubt. An event which, along with Black Bess turning king’s evidence and DH Lawrence rewriting ...

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    Car crash coverage


    Obiter was intrigued to read the Daily Telegraph’s advertisement feature on 'what to do if you're in a car accident' last week. Sponsored by personal injury firm Lawyers4U, the article sympathises that being in an accident ‘can be a huge shock and it can often ...

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    Happy feet


    Senior members of Liverpool’s legal community led 19 teams and over 100 walkers on the city’s first legal walk. The Honorary Recorder of Liverpool, HHJ Clement Goldstone QC, and Steve Cornforth, president of Liverpool Law Society, took part in the three-mile walk from the Pier Head. The event was in ...

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    PC lessons have been learned


    Ensuring that the 2012 round of practising certificate (PC) renewals is a smoother and more reliable experience than last year’s has been top of the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s agenda. We recognise that the last renewals round caused serious inconvenience for many who engaged in the process and this was not ...

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    Unhappy consumers ‘intimidated by jargon’


    Legal services consumers feel intimidated by jargon when they make complaints to law firms and for that reason are more likely to take their complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, research has found. A survey published today of more than 1,000 people who had complained to the ...

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    Civil procedure rules


    A previous article summarised the new Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Part 81. This article summarises the further changes effected by the Civil Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2012 (SI No. 2208) and Update 59 which came into force on 1 October. ...

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    What’s your attitude to complaints?


    Confidential research undertaken by the Solicitors Regulation Authority has revealed that there are some bad attitudes towards complaints handling in the profession. But rather than fearing complaints, you should be welcoming them - as they inform you about the client’s experience and help improvements to future service.

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    Cell safety


    Recent controversy about the safety of solicitors in police stations took me back to my years of being trapped with clients when the gaoler (seemingly wilfully) refused to answer the cell bell. There was no point in complaining. It only meant a longer wait the next ...

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    ‘Flexible’ court plans unveiled


    The creation of a regional virtual court is among plans revealed today by justice minister Damian Green to pilot dozens of ‘flexible’ court models. Five schemes will be trialled in 48 areas. They will include regional virtual courts that will enable preliminary hearings in the ...

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    Flexible courts: evidence, please


    Are flexible and virtual courts a good idea? No one yet has a clue. Not the ministers who in the white paper Swift and Sure Justice moaned about ‘a cultural tolerance of delay’, nor lawyers who fear the consequences for their businesses. What we do ...

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    Breach of confidence


    Summary judgment - Entitlement to summary judgment - Duty of servant Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust (t/a Spectrum) v Pyrah and others: PCC (Mr Recorder Douglas Campbell): 24 September 2012 ...

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    Value added tax - EU - Supply of goods or services Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP v Revenue and Customs Commissioners: Court of Justice of the European Union (Sixth Chamber) (Judges Lõhmus (president of the chamber), Rosas (rapporteur), Fernlund): ...

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    Pension scheme - Equality of treatment of men and women - Claimant companies participating in scheme Re Sea Containers Services Ltd and other companies (in liquidation): ChD (Companies Court) (Mr Justice Hildyard): 19 September 2012 ...

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    Society condemns ‘pure gamble’ quality assurance scheme


    The Quality Assurance Scheme for Advocates (QASA) will ‘annul the historic rights’ of most solicitors to appear before magistrates’ courts and prompt lawsuits against regulators, the Law Society has warned. In a robust response to the fourth and final consultation on the plans to introduce the ...