Last 3 months headlines – Page 1132

  • News

    Valentine's Day massacre for PI sector


    Lord Justice Elias was in full flow when the clerk stopped him mid-sentence. ‘I’m afraid the shorthand writer has disappeared,’ said the clerk, looking like a sous-chef who’d just informed Gordon Ramsey the salmon was off. It only added to the tension, as a packed Court ...

  • News


    18 February 2013

    Claimant and defendants being parties to reinsurance contracts, which subject of claims brought against four airlines following hijackings on September 11 in America Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Company Ltd v Heraldglen Ltd and another company: Queen's Bench Division, ...

  • News

    Defining domicile

    18 February 2013

    There has been much discussion in the press regarding the introduction of a statutory test for residence. The test is welcome and should provide a greater degree of certainty for clients in the context of their UK tax status. It should however be remembered that residence is not the only ...

  • News

    IBA should apologise

    18 February 2013

    Last Monday’s story headlined ‘Sri Lanka bars lawyers’, quoting Shane Keenan and Mark Ellis of the International Bar Association, was misleading. Your publication is not to blame for the IBA’s crude attempt to castigate the Sri Lanka government when, in fact, the IBA should apologise for trying to sneak into ...

  • News

    Time to stop bashing Grayling

    18 February 2013

    The continual jibes in the Gazette about poor Mr Grayling’s lack of legal qualifications and (ergo) his supposed unconcern for the rule of law are growing wearisome.

  • News

    Client interest

    18 February 2013

    In his recent blog, ‘What Mid Staffs and RBS have in common’, Eduardo Reyes asks: ‘Could a greater emphasis on professional ethics have helped prevent failings?’ With the advent of alternative business structures in particular, being a professional now only means that others have a stick with which to beat ...

  • News

    US eases curbs on foreign in-house lawyers

    18 February 2013

    Foreign-qualified lawyers are to be allowed to work as in-house counsel at US companies in all 50 states for the first time, the American Bar Association (ABA) has resolved.

  • News

    SRA denies 2,000 firms in crisis talks

    18 February 2013

    The Solicitors Regulation Authority has denied it has ‘serious concerns’ about the financial stability of 2,000 firms, as new figures show the number of firms declining to the lowest level since it began collecting data. Chris Smyth, former head of legal services for bank Cheltenham ...

  • News

    PM ‘mad’ to cut legal aid for EU immigrants

    18 February 2013

    Solicitors have condemned David Cameron’s proposal to deprive EU immigrants of access to legal aid. The prime minister told parliament last week: ‘There are many parts of our current arrangements that don’t pass a simple commonsense test in terms of access to housing, access to the ...

  • News

    Wales to decide on legal jurisdiction

    18 February 2013

    Wales first minister Carwyn Jones (pictured) is today set to reveal whether he backs a separate legal jurisdiction for the country. His long-awaited response to last year’s consultation is expected to recommend a separation of powers. A move towards a Welsh jurisdiction has been widely predicted ...

  • News

    Volunteers ‘unable to fill legal aid void’

    18 February 2013

    Volunteers will not be able to fill the gap in advice and representation left by April’s legal aid cuts, the chief executive of one of the largest pro bono organisations has warned parliament. With less than 50 days to go until the Legal Aid, Sentencing and ...

  • News

    MoJ considers ending lump sum PI damages

    18 February 2013

    Ministers are to consider the case for successful personal injury claimants to receive damages over a period of time rather than in one lump sum. The Ministry of Justice revealed last week that it is considering a change to the current payments regime – as well ...

  • Conveyancing RT

    Roundtable: conveyancing

    18 February 2013

    While the residential conveyancing market is showing tentative signs of recovery, leading practitioners are focusing on raising standards in a volatile environment

  • News

    MPs: family judges should talk to children

    18 February 2013

    Specialist family judges should talk to children whose care cases they deal with, according to an all-party group of MPs. In a report last week, the Child Protection All Party Parliamentary Group warned that government reforms to the family justice system set out in the ...

  • News

    ‘Press LSB’ without MPs’ approval is unattractive

    18 February 2013

    The government’s attempts to reform press regulation have something of the surreal about them. A draft royal charter, full of suitably medieval language, was published by the Conservatives last week - apparently, because they did not want to put a bill before parliament. But, despite that, they published draft legislation ...

  • News

    Tax warning over children’s wills

    18 February 2013

    Thousands of parents may need to rewrite their wills to protect their children’s interests because of inheritance law changes introduced in the Finance Bill, the Law Society has warned. The Society’s tax law committee has written to HMRC to voice concerns over what it says are ...

  • News

    Plantagenet poltergeist?

    18 February 2013

    Spooky tales from Leicester firm Denham Foxon & Watchorn. Its offices are famous for strange sightings and mysterious noises, and on wintry evenings solicitor Christl Hughes says her waste paper basket has been known to move of its own accord. Mice? Possibly. But Obiter is intrigued by another suggestion. ...

  • News

    Criminal law

    18 February 2013

    Perverting course of justice – Third party being subject to restraint order R v Kenny: Court of Appeal, Criminal Division: 30 January 2013 The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division ...