All articles by Jonathan Goldsmith – Page 8
Lawyers must boldly go into the metaverse
It is coming. It is here. There are law firms operating in it.
Lawfare: a new word to use against solicitors
‘Lawfare’ has now joined ‘professional enablers’ as a term of criticism when others describe the practices of some in our profession.
Legal Twitter, can you help?
If you look at #LegalTwitter, you will find people asking for legal advice all the time.
Should more lawyers have featured in the New Year Honours?
Throughout the pandemic, there have been solicitors who risked their health, and potentially their lives, in police stations, prisons and courts.
Can we trust the LSB to comment on the rule of law?
There is a snag in the Legal Services Board's concern about the increasing public criticism of legal professionals.
Not a way to regulate lawyers
A look at how lawyers in other jurisdictions are regulated. Would another system be better than ours?
A tale of two Londons
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times for the City of London’s reputation last week.
A small Brexit dividend for lawyer-client confidentiality?
Proposed wording in our government’s new rules on lawyers’ reporting obligations misses out a principal mischief.
Covid dents world trade hopes
Now that the Cop26 climate change conference is over, work is gearing up for the next major international meeting with consequences for lawyers.
Migrant challenge: it’s all our fault now
A government which incites hatred and violence against professionals must be resisted at every turn.
'The UK is not remotely a corrupt country'
In a potential Venn diagram representing corruption in the UK, is there a circle containing lawyers which overlaps with a central corruption circle?
Should a law school be named after a genocidal judge?
Hastings College of Law is named after Serranus Hastings, who promoted and financed 'Indian-hunting' expeditions during the Gold Rush.
Lawyers to the barricades
The reputation of the profession is at stake where lawyers are identified with their clients’ interests. The Law Society must protect us against unjustified attack.
Sailing in the good ship Law Society
Being a Council member is like being a passenger on a crowded ocean liner: either yelling to point out the beautiful island, or the icebergs which loom ahead.
In the AML parade, the emperor has no clothes
Our present financial regulatory structure is not fit for purpose.
Will the army now be called out for legal sector shortages?
Access to legal services is the Cinderella of our national scene: abandoned in the scullery.
How Strasbourg protects lawyers’ rights
There has been public speculation that one of the reasons why Dominic Raab accepted becoming lord chancellor was to enable him to have another go at abolishing the 1998 Human Rights Act.
Who can save Maxim Znak?
What can we do to help our colleagues, other than have our professional organisations write letters?
What happens when the robots go rogue?
Who pays the bill when AI gets it wrong is a question that will soon become central to a lawyer's work.