All articles by Jonathan Goldsmith – Page 15
Justice for the just-managing: a warning
There is a dangerous tale of two countries emerging in our justice system, a story we are seeing played out across the world.
What the UN has to say about the role of bars
The United Nations has published a report that will help set universal standards for bars across the globe.
More no-deal Brexit advice for lawyers
Solicitors may find the government’s latest list of no-deal notices useful to help prepare for the ever-approaching, yet continually uncertain, Brexit outcome.
Calibrating the machines
Whether they are provided by a solicitor or artificial intelligence, legal services should meet equivalent standards.
Comparing the deal with no-deal for solicitors
What will the difference between the options of a Brexit deal or no-deal mean to practising lawyers in the UK?
Selling the UK legal profession abroad
Trade deals after Brexit will require the UK to explain the historically complex structure of our profession abroad.
Skills transfer helps big law firms abroad
If globalisation continues to operate in the legal services sector, opportunity for lawyers to acquire international legal skills will prove vital.
NDAs and burdens of being a gatekeeper
The use of NDAs in an employment setting raises that modern scourge of our profession: decision-makers wanting to get at our clients’ behaviour through us.
Embracing the IT revolution
We need to move on from awareness that a technological revolution is coming, and take difficult and sometimes expensive decisions to cope with its consequences.
CJEU decision on Polish judicial crisis may echo here
Court may be asked to pass judgment on aspects of any Brexit deal.
Busting legal myths in Europe
A comparative report on justice from the Council of Europe bursts the bubble of UK exceptionalism. Policymakers should study it
IT and the definition of cross-border legal services
The rise in unregulated electronic platforms has caught the international trading system unawares.
Law Society scores in strategic litigation
Chancery Lane shows its worth in courtroom challenges over legal aid, advice privilege and mass surveillance.
No-deal advice: take action now
A torrent of technical papers from DExEU deserves close attention.
A Law Society Judiciary Committee?
The UK could emulate one aspect of the US's Supreme Court appointment circus.
What the end of the WTO would mean for lawyers
The US is already pushing the World Trade Organisation to the very edge.
AML regime is not fit for purpose
Laundered money has continued to pour into the UK in damagingly large quantities. Time for an utterly fresh approach.
CJEU dragged into political disputes
The constitutional crisis in Poland epitomises the CJEU’s widened remit.
Client instructions and the public interest - again
Cases are mounting where solicitors are identified with their clients’ interests and behaviour in carrying out instructions against what is perceived as the public interest.
Bench test should not favour bar
Hardly a week goes by without confirmation that we are facing a judicial recruitment crisis.