All articles by John Hyde – Page 290
Aviva admits just one in 50 claims is fraudulent
Firm says cost of motor insurance fraud is rising despite low numbers of fraudulent claims.
Bourns for Law Society deputy VP
Robert Bourns will take up the post in July and is due to become president in 2016.
Canadian firm opens outlet at retail giant Walmart
Founders Lena Koke and Mark Morris have pledged to open another three outlets in Walmart stores in Toronto.
Budget delay ‘trivial’, rules High Court
Judge suggests consequences for filing late budgets are now ‘extremely severe’.
PI claims will return to pre-Jackson levels – defendant firm
Keoghs' director of counter-fraud strategy says not enough has been done to deter the ‘have a go’ approach.
Quindell fights back after investor’s note sends shares tumbling
Listed company seeking legal advice over dossier on its financial success.
Insolvency body pleads for Jackson exemption to stay
R3 says research proves small claims against insolvent businesses will be prevented if recoverability abolished.
Savile victims urged to make claims within six weeks
Nine law firms named as potential advisers for claimants to the television presenter’s charitable trust.
Civil courts braced for fee increases
Changes to the upfront court fee for proceedings in England and Wales come into force today.
How can Co-op recover from this?
Losses are disastrous for the ABS pioneer, which is now hamstrung by a toxic brand.
Appeal court ‘will not lightly interfere’ in Jackson decisions
Court of Appeal should not have ‘judicial musculature’ as its sole objective, Mr Justice Davis says.
Co-op Legal Services posts £22m loss
ABS pioneer also hints at further job cuts as part of restructuring of the business.
Claimant groups: 85% of injured workers not compensated
Joint APIL/TUC report takes aim at compensation culture ‘myth’.
‘Dragon’ Caan’s second law investment becomes ABS
Virtual firm Excello aims to keep overheads to a minimum.
Firms to be left ‘high and dry’ by PII plan
Chief executive of Elite, which insures one in 10 practices, warns that rating costs will be added to premiums.
First hearing not a case management conference, says High Court
Claimant’s attempt to apply Mitchell to a directions hearing is dismissed.
More law firms face unrated PII threat
Survey results come weeks before the SRA decides whether to ban unrated insurers from the market after a glut of collapses in recent years.
Fury at MP’s ‘solicitor from hell’ question to prime minister
North-west firm posts online statement following House of Commons question.
Conveyancing firm must pay £100k over valuation
Judge orders law firm to halve the costs of settlement with surveyors.
Regulators agree to open data to comparison websites
The LSB and Legal Services Consumer Panel want to open up the market for 'choose a lawyer' websites.