All articles by John Hyde – Page 210
Defunct miners claim firm must pay £15k for negligent advice
Judge says it is ‘too easy’ for negligent firms such as Raleys - and their insurers - to obstruct claimants.
DoH 'like a criminal dictating his sentence' over fixed costs
Claimant lawyers pour scorn on government proposals to restrict fees for clinical negligence cases - as Law Society warns that the vulnerable must be able to get the advice they need.
Hundreds join civil claims after Ian Paterson conviction
Surgeon found guilty of a string of crimes after seven-week trial in Nottingham.
Judge queries High Court trial at 'substantial cost' to public
Claim was never worth more than £80,000 but required a three-week jury trial.
Quindell owner waits on £53m Slater and Gordon claim
Annual report also reveals nothing has been paid for noise-induced hearing loss claims included in acquisition deal.
Scots review legal regulation over fears consumers are 'exposed'
Edinburgh announces review of legal services regulation that could result in fully independent complaints handler.
QualitySolicitors secures trial to supply legal services to Nisa stores
National retailer will encourage its members to turn to QS firms for employment law and commercial transactions.
Doctor defenders step up calls for £250k fixed costs limit
Issue expected to be on the agenda for any incoming government after 8 June.
Claimant who switched to Official Solicitor can recover CFA costs
Defendants contested recoverability as the Official Solicitor replaced litigation friend after costs reforms.
Foreign Office warns tourists of sickness claims touts
Notice included in advice to travellers to Spain along with the threats of terrorism and street crime.
Four-office Yorkshire firm shut down over dishonesty suspicions
Announcement on the SRA website confirms action against two owners of 30-strong practice.
Loan write-off tips Minster Law into profit after £23m loss
Yorkshire firm says acquisition leaves it well prepared for changes in the personal injury sector.
News focus: Five years on, did ABS really change anything?
Five years ago last month three legal businesses, including the Co-op, heralded a new era in the provision of consumer-friendly legal services. But how much has really changed?
Law reform programme aborted by snap poll
Theresa May’s announcement of a general election on 8 June has killed off key legislation affecting the legal sector and put the future of several policy initiatives in doubt.
Litigation funder makes damages guarantee to MasterCard claimants
Augusta putting money behind group claim brought in relation to intercharge fees.
Manchester solicitor becomes coroner aged just 31
Zak Golombeck is the second young solicitor this year to be elevated to judicial office.
Prisons and Courts Bill scrapped
Legislation will run out of time before parliament is dissolved.
Parents facing school holiday fines consider litigation
Simpson Millar says parents in areas where rules were relaxed now fear local authorities will issue penalties.
LSB wants 'step change' in price transparency
Regulators given until end of June to show how they will ensure consumers have more information when choosing a provider.
High Court remits struck-out Leigh Day negligence claim
Firm was alleged to have carried out insufficient preparation for an inquest following death during surgery.