All articles by John Hyde – Page 204
Judicial diversity stats show barristers' stranglehold increasing
Snapshot of figures also reveals scant improvement in recruitment of BAME judges.
Net closes on solicitors involved in bogus holiday claims
Claims management regulator reveals fresh efforts to stamp out rogue elements of industry.
MoJ backs 'current framework' for regulation
Legal Services Board told to address perception it has over-extended its remit.
Likely date revealed for discount rate decision
Justice minister reaffirms commitment to '100% principle' over personal injury damages.
BBC reveals top lawyer paid the same as Danny Dyer
Three legal advisers appear on list of corporation’s highest earners.
Firm fined £5k for breaking workplace pensions rules
London practice is punished as part of regulator’s public crackdown on non-compliance.
HMCTS turns in £100m civil justice 'surplus' as fees add up
Government starting to reap the rewards of fees and charges in civil courts.
MoJ renews commitment to small claims limit rise
No backtracking likely as discount rate also set to come under the microscope.
Public satisfied with lawyers - but consumer panel still not happy
Satisfaction levels and trust in lawyers rising slightly, while unbundling is failing to take off.
UK solicitors outnumber Irish joining Dublin roll
Three-quarters of the 1,448 solicitors admitted in Ireland last year were from England and Wales, new figures show.
News focus: Wish you weren't here
Travel operators are deploying strong-arm tactics to deter holiday sickness claims, but many solicitors accept there is a legitimate problem that needs to be tackled.
When lawyers feel scared to do their job, mob rule edges closer
Threats against lawyers in the Charlie Gard case show the dangers we’re moving towards.
Claimant legal costs edge towards £500m for NHS
Annual report shows number of clinical negligence claims falling by 2.5%.
Bristows' tribute to leader after fatal cycling accident
Theo Savvides 'enriched the lives of all those around him'.
SRA unmoved on tackling 'gold plated' minimum PII cover
Authority also plans to relax rules on switching legal services regulator.
Judge warns double-booked lawyers: We will start case without you
Family judge says so-called cross courting is increasingly becoming a problem.
Gordon Dadds aims for big acquisitions with £20m warchest
Firm outlines growth plans having already amalgamated 10 firms since 2013.
North-west PI firm plunged into administration
Campaigner for coal miners whose cases had been under-settled hits financial difficulties.
Solicitor appointed to Grenfell Tower inquiry team
Inquiry names lawyers who will assist chair Sir Martin Moore-Bick in the process.
Leigh Day paralegals resign over Grenfell Tower poster
Individuals had been suspended over the weekend after reports of the ‘touting’ emerged.