All In Business blog articles – Page 5
Law books for summer
There is a good array of fiction set in the legal world. But why are the stars always barristers and not solicitors?
The perfect match?
The legal world could embrace the ‘specific formula’ approach encouraged by a revolutionary dating app.
Still in business (in 2024)
Law firm leaders have to realise that the marketplace is increasingly commercial and must respond. Otherwise failure beckons.
PII brokers: free pen please?
Proposal forms offer a great way for insurance brokers to obtain boundless information on solicitors.
Make time for marketing
Business is picking up after several rocky years. But being too busy for marketing should ring alarm bells.
Flexible-working challenges
Although flexibility makes sense, firms must ensure they adhere to the correct employment laws.
Still working on our ABS
The first local authorities applied for ABS licences last year and are still waiting for approval. What’s the hold up?
Window shopping for lawyers
Solicitors behind the buying and selling of houses need to be publicly celebrated.
How to market and work part-time
Simply being smarter with your time means that a career break or reduced hours do not need to limit your marketing and business development activities.
Google and the content conundrum
Becoming more visible online is difficult for solicitors – but outsourcing is not the only way to achieve increased hits.
Cross-selling legal services
Love or loathe consumer brands, you should not ignore them if you want to succeed with existing clients.
Flexible working – confidence in your competence
Once your colleagues have confidence in your judgement - and not just your availability - flexibility could be easier to attain.
The solicitors’ new year
With unique pressures shaping the profession, maybe we should have our own calendar.
Legal aid hiring headache
The recruitment world is buoyant, but for legal aid lawyers problems persist.
Beware the ‘drizzle-maker’ partners
Law firms’ marketing departments should work closely with new lateral hires to ensure business success.
City failing in hunt for talent
School statistics demonstrate that City firms do not have to look far to find high-achieving young people.
The labour market isn’t working
Law firms and legal departments that are in a position to be more imaginative when hiring will end up with better people.
Fly-fisher’s guide to business development
When trying to win new clients, preparation and patience are required.