All Government & politics articles – Page 198
Commons braced for JR vote
Lobbying under way as MPs prepare to debate part four of the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill.
Tribunal powers a ‘lawyers’ charter’, say peers
The Consumer Rights Bill will give the Competition Appeal Tribunal power to hear collective claims and approve collective settlements.
Transatlantic trade deal: a tipping point?
The legal profession has an opportunity to ensure the deal supports access to justice.
Royal commission on prison policy proposed
Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC wants an end to the ‘perverse’ outcomes of politicians setting sentencing policy.
Treasury presses on with direct tax recovery
Government insists ‘robust new safeguards’ will address concerns raised in consultation.
MoJ ‘out of touch with reality’ over cuts – spending watchdog
National Audit Office report finds savings on track – but the government did not understand wider impact of civil legal aid cuts.
Government waits on simplifying ‘complex’ ADR landscape
Alternative dispute resolution must be widely available for consumer disputes by July 2015.
Number-crunchers nail ‘fat-cat lawyer’ myth
What does a ‘typical’ solicitor earn? Less than politicians with an axe to grind would have you believe.
Wrong time to put justice above politics
Two distinguished legal commentators call for a royal commission on the penal system. That’s unlikely to happen.
Lawyers, secrets and spies
Safeguards apply when the security services intercept information protected by privilege, but are they adequate?
Entering troubled waters
A shift in policy on the rescue of persons in distress at sea raises urgent questions of international law.
MoJ admits no extra funding to support witnesses in court
The government will pay £24m over two years to Citizens Advice – the same amount it currently gives to Victim Support.
Cancer Research UK voices opposition to Saatchi bill
Charity warns of ‘risk of unintended consequences’.
Dithering over offences against the person
A new consultation is seeking views on how to - finally - reform the archaic Offences against the Person Act 1861.
Prisoner-lawyer calls recorded, Grayling admits
Investigation promised into recordings of conversations made from prison.
Lord chancellor denied relief over missed deadline
Although delay did not affect any pre-existing court timetable, delay in service prevented start of the pleadings process.
Bar Conference: Moses targets Grayling on ‘rule of law’
Retired appeal court judge Sir Alan Moses berates government over dearth of legal knowledge and law officer sackings.
Confronting the constitution
The issues surrounding the future of the UK constitution are too big to be decided by political cliques.
MoJ replaces police cautions
New approach will be trialled in three police force areas over the next 12 months.
Chapter and verse on LiP rights
The disappearance of public law libraries is a severe hindrance to the rapidly increasing number of ‘DIY lawyers’.