All Government & politics articles – Page 182
LAA threatens to enlist contract winners for legal aid court battles
Legal Aid Agency says it may invite successful bidders to join as parties to any court challenges to contract tender decisions.
Sampson threatens legal action over ‘clarification’ to MPs
Letter to select committee states that former chief legal ombudsman was ‘dismissed with notice’ after successfully appealing against summary dismissal earlier this year.
MP: courts charge stops guilty ‘working the system’
Select committee member and pressure groups clash over new fee for convicted defendants.
Further gender pay transparency measures announced
Larger law firms will have to publish information about bonuses for men and women.
City firms to meet MoJ over plans to plug funding gap
Law Society has described one government proposal as a ‘tax on success’.
New powers in Wales Bill
New powers over energy, speed limits, and local government and Welsh Assembly elections.
Bar 2015: criminal advocacy revamp a ‘turning point’
Consultation is a rare beacon of hope and could mark a turning point for the criminal bar, Mark Fenhalls QC told the Bar Conference.
Bar 2015: Gove will need to defy backbenchers on prison reform
Andy Slaughter said the lord chancellor will enjoy a ‘large measure of cross-party support’ if he perseveres with changes.
LAA delays signing duty solicitor contracts
The government has told firms in all procurement areas that it will not sign the new legal aid contracts until 2 November.
CJC: listen to local communities before shutting their court
Judge-led group voices broad support for government’s proposals.
Law Society reports on how Brexit will affect solicitors
EU departure could have consequences for commercial disputes, Wales and criminal justice, says Chancery Lane.
Revised ‘Saatchi bill’ is back but critics still fearful
Legislation passes through House of Commons in attempt to promote innovation in treatments.
‘60% of employment claims shut out due to fees’
Over half of the claims entered into early conciliation are neither settled or presented to the employment tribunal.
Sampson ‘dismissal’: ministry seeks urgent clarification
Former chief legal ombudsman insists he resigned.
MoJ U-turns on outsourcing court fine enforcement
Department still standing firm on criminal courts charge but drops tender process.
Courts upgrade £375m funding not ring-fenced, admits MoJ
Department waiting until spending review to see if bid has been successful.
Government withdraws Saudi prisons bid
Justice secretary Michael Gove announced decision in response to urgent question in the House of Commons.
Court closures contradict PM’s equality rhetoric
Courts estate is set to be brutally pared – and the poorest will suffer.
Changing the culture
The best way to combat extremist ideology is a more powerful counter-ideology.
Criminal court charges 'waste taxpayers' money' - Society
Law Society urges government to spend money on local courts rather than chasing unpaid criminal court charges.