I was dismayed by the ‘How to: run a small firm’ article. Nowhere is there a suggestion that a firm will flourish if it serves clients to the best of its ability.
I run a small, two-partner firm which specialises in advising the elderly. Although we are rigorous in preparing monthly budgets and trying to comply with regulations, our first aim is to attend to our clients’ needs and provide them with the best legal advice we can in a friendly and approachable way.
We do not worry about benchmarking against our peers, knowing that we have enough ideas, systems and management controls to run a business that others look up to. As a result, our profits are healthy, we have committed staff who embrace flexible working, and throughout the recession we gave all staff annual pay rises when I know other local firms made cuts.
I have been reading about Apple, whose philosophy is not to make profits but to create great designs. That is what lawyers should be doing – giving the best legal advice possible in a way that clients can understand. Profits will follow.
Jennifer Margrave, Jennifer Margrave Solicitors, Guildford
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