All Features articles – Page 6
Penny wise
The legal profession benefits from a relatively well-defined career structure, but lawyers need to pay close attention to their personal finances as their careers progress.
Generative AI – one year on
OpenAI’s ChatGPT showcased the potential for automating legal processes. Just 12 months later the market is evolving rapidly.
Judgment days
The SRA’s latest power grab could turn the regulator into prosecutor, judge and jury, experts warn. Meanwhile the SDT, whose workload is already shrinking, would shrivel still further, reports Catherine Baksi.
Unhappy families
While the legal framework laid down by the Children Act 1989 remains robust, multiple operational failings in the justice system are letting children down. Rachel Rothwell reports.
Watching brief
In the second of two articles on lawyers supporting justice abroad, Eduardo Reyes reports on the work of the 15-year-old Colombia Caravana.
Clean up your own backyard
Planning reform is high on the agenda of both main parties, reports Maria Shahid. But endless rounds of consultation, and pledges that are long on aspiration but short on delivery give cause for scepticism.
Holding the line
Lawyers across the world who are working outwith their home jurisdictions to support the rule of law are a bulwark against authoritarianism. Joanna Goodman reports.
Judgment day
When governments and companies flout their climate commitments, can the courts hold them to account in good time? Joanna Goodman reports on the hopes invested in environmental litigation.
Scandal sheet
Our biggest banks have been battered by mis-selling claims and governance failures for over a decade. As PPI and interest rates swaps payouts tail off, Eduardo Reyes asks, are they finally managing to reduce their exposure?
Setting the bench mark
Three women who have reached the peak of their jurisdiction’s judiciary talk to Catherine Baksi about the challenges they have faced.
Home truths
Average house prices are falling – just one of many developments piling pressure on residential conveyancers. Eduardo Reyes reports.
A step too far?
On race, gender and socio-economic background, City firms have acted to improve the balance of their intake. But efforts to change the partnership have fallen short. Katharine Freeland reports.
Sunset clauses
Rishi Sunak’s policy shifts on the environment seem destined for the courts. Meanwhile, lawyers are aiming to make every contract a ‘climate contract’, reports Maria Shahid.
Heart of the meta
The Metaverse has arrived, but as a place to do business it will be fraught with uncertainty until key legal questions are resolved. Michael Cross reports
One size fits all
The controversial Solicitors Qualifying Examination is two years old. It was a seismic change for the profession, but is the new ‘super-exam’ delivering on its promises? Joanna Goodman reports.
Ruling the waves
The working environment of maritime lawyers is constantly shifting in response to political and economic events. Rachel Rothwell reports.
Innovation at the interface
The exponential rise of generative AI is seeing firms move away from the traditional build/buy dichotomy towards greater innovation.
Do you know your practice?
The professional indemnity market for solicitors is being shaped by concerns over conveyancing, financial stability and a regulatory focus on wellbeing. Fortunately there is greater stability in prospect.