All Euro blog articles – Page 9
Lawyers’ freedom of speech
Freedom of speech concerns us as lawyers because we are on the frontline of those who patrol it.
Asylum: the new trial by ordeal
Europe’s leaders have collectively returned us to the barbarous legal past.
European lawyers in history
Two very different lawyers from recent history were involved in struggles which we recognise today.
Professional secrecy in jeopardy
The right of clients to consult their lawyers privately is under unprecedented attack.
Lawyer surveillance update
Government surveillance of lawyers’ correspondence is rarely out of the news.
Regulating the unregulated
A US case involving dentists has refocused attention on that vexed question: how do we police unregulated providers?
Rating lawyers online
Web platforms allowing clients to review legal services raise difficult issues. How should they work?
ISDS – a lawyers’ issue
More lawyers should join the debate over issues surrounding the EU-US trade agreement. Our reputation is at stake.
More than Grexit
Greece has dominated the headlines but other issues - mass surveillance, regulation - abound across Europe.
Taxi drivers now, lawyers next
How might the controversy surrounding digital taxi service Uber impact on regulation of lawyers?
Surveillance: judges, not politicians
Governments should never be allowed to authorise surveillance of lawyers’ secret conversations – otherwise politicians become judge and jury in their own case.
International courts and lawyers
International courts keep growing, which raises questions about how they treat lawyers.
Lawyers v robots
Are law firms doing enough to innovate and compete with the rise of the machines?
International trade lawyers accused
Two recent reports have put large firms in the spotlight over real or perceived conflicts of interest. Will they rebut the claims?
Euro court split in two
Civil war has broken out at the Court of Justice of the European Union over a backlog of cases in the General Court.
The right to a lawyer
A new website - a cross between Uber and Find A Solicitor - is helping suspects in Belgium gain prompt access to a lawyer.
We are not policemen
The reporting obligations imposed on lawyers are inconsistent and confused.
Law in the future
We can’t predict the exact nature of threats to legal services. So future plans should be of only the broadest variety.