Law Society Gazette Charity Explorer

Welcome to the Gazette’s Charity Explorer directory

Here you will find hundreds of charities that are featured in the latest print edition of our
Charity & Appeals Directory.

Charity Explorer provides a reputable reference tool for solicitors, will-writers and their clients who want to leave a legacy or charitable gift. It is also a valuable database for charities who want to receive legacy donations for their meaningful causes. Established over 30 years ago, the Law Society Gazette directory and Charity Explorer website help up to 10,500 of solicitors, over 4,000 funeral directors and their clients every day across England and Wales. With nearly 270 charities currently listed, our site is easily accessible to view the entries and their great causes.


Include your charity in the Law Society Gazette’s Charity Explorer

If you would like to be included in our forthcoming print editions and/or in this online directory, please contact
Marie Dickens on or 020 8049 3960

download our latest MEDIA PACK for more information

"The Law Society Gazette Charity Directories are a useful source of information for clients who need guidance on their charitable giving, whether drafting their wills or discussing lifetime gifts. We’ve also found the publications very helpful when administering trusts or discussing grant making with our charity clients."

Jo Summers, Partner, Jurit LLP

"Advertising with the Law Society Gazette Charity Directories for over 20 years has significantly increased our legacy income. Two thirds of 'Friends of the Animals' veterinary treatments  are funded by legacies and your directory is therefore a crucial element of our fundraising strategy."

Helen Sinclair MBE, Founder, Friends of the Animals

“We received over £104,000 from legacies which came directly from solicitors who received The Law Society Gazette. We are over the moon with the fantastic results from our ongoing advertising with them.”

Trisha Loveland, Hospice Aid UK


Allow your clients to receive tax efficiencies and make a valuable difference.
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Those Making a Will

Support an important cause and leave a legacy to one of our many charities. If you need help finding a solicitor please visit our Find A Solicitor site.