All Deaths articles – Page 8
Tribute: Roderick O’Driscoll, ADR pioneer
Rod O’Driscoll, a leading commercial and construction lawyer with a passionate interest in alternative dispute resolution, died on 10 May. Blair Gulland, chairman of Gullands, pays tribute.
IBA joins Lee Kuan Yew tributes
The International Bar Association has paid tribute to Singapore’s founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died last week aged 91.
Legendary Scottish solicitor dies
Criminal defence lawyer Joe Beltrami, who became a household name in Scotland, has died aged 83.
Tribute: Simon Chandler
Simon Chandler, a partner at Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, died on 23 January. Katy Manley, president of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association pays tribute.
Education specialist and AIDS adviser dies at 68
Tributes paid to former Eversheds and Wedlake Saint solicitor Timothy Costello.
Tribute to ‘shop front’ solicitor pioneer
Kasturi Kalra fought against regulations restricting lawyers to premises disconnected from the public.
‘Mad’ Frank the litigator
We recall the later career of ‘Mad’ Frank Fraser, who died last month.
James Bolton dies at 93
Former Law Society council member spent his entire career with Longmores in Hertford.
Campaigner and lawyer Gooding dies
Caroline Gooding played a key role in bringing about the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Tributes paid to Stephen Lloyd
Former senior partner at Bates Wells Braithwaite dies following an accident on holiday.
Legal aid campaigner dies at 59
Simon Mumford, 59, fought for legal aid and access to justice, Michael Walters, administrator of Cardiff Law Society said.
PI pioneer Rooney dies
Inventor of the marketing catchphrase ‘slip, trip or fall; call Paul’, has died following a long illness.
Chancery Lane pays tribute to Nelson Mandela
Law Society president Nicholas Fluck has led tributes from the legal profession to the life of Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa.
Pioneer solicitor-judge dies at 86
His Honour Peter Goldstone, one of the first solicitors to be appointed a recorder, has died