All articles by David Pickup – Page 7
BOOK REVIEW: Life on the inside
Subtitled ‘the key to avoiding the risk’, this book is an excellent introduction to a complicated subject.
When toy story goes to court
David Pickup reviews You Don’t Own Me: How Mattel v. MGA Entertainment Exposed Barbie’s Dark Side.
Fascinating true-crime tale
Book review: Blood on the Page: A Murder, a Secret Trial, a Search for the Truth
Clean-living manifesto
David Pickup reviews Environmental Law: a very short introduction by Elizabeth Fisher.
BOOK REVIEW: Picks of the year
Solicitor and regular reviewer David Pickup lists his favourite reads of 2017: European Union Law: A Very Short Introduction Anthony Arnull £7.99, OUP Whatever you feel about the EU and Brexit, this straightforward and clear introduction to the subject is written in a very balanced way. There ...
BOOK REVIEW: The Savage Poodle
The Savage Poodle – Tales from Legal Practice Richard Barr £12.99, Solicitors Journal Richard Barr is a clinical negligence lawyer with more than 45 years’ experience who is now a consultant at Scott-Moncrieff & Associates. He has been involved in a number of high-profile cases, including ...
BOOK REVIEW: Constitutional Reform in Britain and France: from human rights to Brexit
Elizabeth Gibson-Morgan
BOOK REVIEW: The judiciary we deserve
Being a Judge in the Modern World Professor Jeremy Cooper £24.99, OUP The world has moved on since a judge asked ‘who are the Beatles?’. Judges were mainly white, upper-class Oxbridge-educated ex-barristers. Like members of the royal family, they were treated with reverence. Unable to defend themselves, they ...
BOOK REVIEW: Driving success in your law firm
Driving Success in Your Law Firm: revolutionising the client journey Eddie Ross and Sally Holdway £69.95, Law Society There must be an easy way for solicitors firms to be successful. But what is success anyway? Is it doing the work you want to do because it ...
BOOK REVIEW: Life from the inside
The Knife Went In: Real-life murders and our culture, Theodore Dalrymple
BOOK REVIEW: Genocide through a legal prism
Holocaust, Genocide, and the Law: A Quest for Justice in a Post-Holocaust World