All articles by David Pickup – Page 11
A senior partner’s Christmas countdown
David Pickup runs us through his exhaustive list of tasks to complete before the big holiday.
BOOK REVIEW: Fixed Fees in the Criminal Courts: A Survival Guide (3rd edition)
This complex area is explained in a clear way.
BOOK REVIEW: Whores and Highwaymen – Crime and Justice in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis
A very readable documentation of grizzly legal London in the 18th century. Are things better now?
BOOK REVIEW: Legal Project Management, Pricing, and Alternative Fee Arrangements
This book looks at how to be attractive and therefore competitive to win and keep clients.
What sort of question is that?
Form-filling is increasingly becoming part of the job. But how many solicitors answer the questions honestly?
Changing times
Charging by time only is unpopular with clients and has given various governments excuses to cut legal aid. Maybe a new system is needed.
BOOK REVIEW: Psychopaths – An Introduction
This little book looks at the development of study into this disorder, what it is and how to deal with sufferers.
Where has everyone gone?
It is that time of year again. Everyone has disappeared for summer – but, with mobiles and email around, it’s getting harder to switch off completely.
PII renewals: just like Christmas
This week the staff asked when we are closing for Christmas. They want to make plans, and why not?
Having a choice of lawyers
The right to choose a lawyer is part of our accepted rights, yet threatened by the criminal legal aid proposals. How essential is that right? When you last needed a doctor, banker, priest, dentist or schoolteacher, what choice did you actually have? At best you probably had a limited choice ...
PCT: reverse psychology
Two questions. Question one: Have you signed the petition protesting about price-competitive tendering? Question two: Do you think it will make the slightest difference? I wonder if we have got it completely wrong in our protesting. The more we protest the less likely the protests ...
To hear is to obey
Don’t clients sometimes drive you mad? Happily this won’t happen any more because they are no longer ‘clients’ but ‘consumers’. I am grateful to the people who responded to my last blog by pointing out the Legal Ombudsman’s site refers to them as consumers. I also note chief ombudsman Adam ...
A glass half full
Despite not wishing to be thought a grumpy old lawyer I decided to look at the Legal Ombudsman’s recent report, The price of separation: Divorce-related legal complaints and their causes. This report made the news as it features lots of stories about wicked lawyers. The ...
Pro bono pressure
My comments on complaints and the pressures of regulation seem to have hit the mark. Thank you for your responses. Strangely no one has written to say ‘let's have more regulation, audits, and KPIs’ or ‘let's make the complaints regime more onerous for us’. I don’t think that is because ...
Doing the washing
There is said to be a small village where the only industry is one in which dwellers take in each other’s washing. The more I think about it the more likely that will happen to the solicitors’ profession. Not that we will take in each other’s laundry. No, nothing as ...
Complaints, horrible jumpers and ill-fitting socks
If you look at the recent legal press you might be forgiven for thinking that there is at least one growing area of law that is doing well in the recession – complaints. We get bombarded daily with calls to deal with them better, quicker and more expensively.
Training solicitors – a qualified success
Tucked away in the new year’s press was an announcement of an apprenticeship route to qualification as a solicitor. I wondered why and when the profession abandoned the five-year article route. Over the years there have been, as there is now, a number of ...
First day back
One morning during the holiday I popped into the office when the building was well and truly closed. The telephone was ringing and I answered it to give a mouthful to the caller about lawyers needing holidays as well, but it was only a person wishing the firm a happy ...
Pre-Christmas rush
I love this time of year: the decorations, the lights, so much to do, everyone else making money, clients. In fact everyone wants everything to be done before Christmas. How I miss those seasonal contact/access applications. At least the pre-Christmas rush of people queuing outside shops to do their shoplifting ...