All articles by David Pickup – Page 10
Lawyers on TV – the jury’s out
What have we learnt from the Beeb’s winter dramas featuring the legal profession?
Lawyers at Christmas
Lawyers put off organising the Christmas party until the last minute. A hint: don’t let the youngsters do it.
Tinker, tailor, soldier... solicitor
Students can benefit from a carefully planned career path. But what advice is given to them about their studies?
BOOK REVIEW: A Short Book of Bad Judges
Allow yourself a wry smile at this marvellous and concise book.
BOOK REVIEW: Urgent Applications in the Court of Protection
A timely and easy-to-read guide to help you deal with applications that are being encountered more frequently.
Comparison site and a free cuddly toy
How comparison website for solicitors’ indemnity would make system more efficient.
BOOK REVIEW: Dementia and the Law
A valuable guide to the solicitor advising the individuals behind the illness.
Law books for summer
There is a good array of fiction set in the legal world. But why are the stars always barristers and not solicitors?
PII brokers: free pen please?
Proposal forms offer a great way for insurance brokers to obtain boundless information on solicitors.
BOOK REVIEW: Giving Legal Advice – an adviser’s handbook (2nd edition)
A guide that is very good on professional duties, but lacking slightly on illuminating skills needed in difficult situations.
BOOK REVIEW: Lexcel Small Practice Toolkit
The CD-ROM that is included with the book means you can easily access templates.
The solicitors’ new year
With unique pressures shaping the profession, maybe we should have our own calendar.
BOOK REVIEWS: mental capacity legislation
Lawyers have had to learn new concepts regarding ‘capacity’. These two excellent guides should help.
BOOK REVIEW: SRA Handbook (October 2013)
This up-to-date edition is essential reading following a raft of regulatory changes over the past year.
Legal aid hiring headache
The recruitment world is buoyant, but for legal aid lawyers problems persist.
BOOK REVIEW: Clarence Darrow – Attorney for the Damned
This well-told account of American lawyer Clarence Darrow’s life should be an inspiration.
BOOK REVIEWS: Jack the Ripper
New ‘Ripperature’ from Guy Logan and Richard Whittington-Egan comes under the microscope.
BOOK REVIEW: Social Networking for Law Firms
Social media is here to stay. This guide is good at explaining the issues and drawbacks when using it.