All Courts business articles – Page 65
'No job losses' from regional divorce centre closures, says HMCTS
Government says all digital divorce cases are now handled at a courts and tribunals service centre in Stoke-on-Trent.
'Training is not enough': Family lawyers target Tolson over 'outdated' views on consent
Lawyers ask family chief to review HHJ Tolson QC's cases as controversial findings are raised in parliament.
Crown court sitting days increase 'nowhere near enough' - criminal bar
Government says minimum of 87,000 will ensure justice is served in a timely fashion.
High Court orders HMCTS to fund lay advocates
Mr Justice Keehan says it is too much to expect 'extremely busy' public law solicitors to assist parents in public law proceedings.
Unrepresented homeless litigant granted leniency
Lack of representation and legal aid woes can constitute a good reason for allowing an appeal out of time.
HMCTS shuts heavily criticised divorce centres
Venues in Stoke, Wrexham and Port Talbot close, to be followed by Bradford and Nottingham.
Justice lambasts lack of progress on a diverse judiciary
Legal thinktank Justice says there is little reason for optimism three years after it recommended diversity 'targets with teeth'.
Fresh bill ordered in long-running Tower Hamlets costs row
District judge says solicitors must ensure clients are given sufficient information in invoice.
Company director avoids jail over Wimbledon tickets
Her Honour Judge Walden-Smith says suspended sentence should not be considered an easy option.
High Court condemns leadership judge's 'obsolescent' view on consent
Damning judgment reveals absence of training for family judges considering serious sexual assault allegations.
Litigation funder and RBS shareholders 'in the dark' over defendant
Counsel for Vannin Capital and Royal Bank of Scotland shareholders thrash out timetable for trial in March.
Judge praises lawyer-free divorce service
Mr Justice Mostyn says 'amicable' system has greatly improved access to justice.
Domestic violence centre offers to take on family court mailbox
Central facility informing police of forced marriage and female genital mutilation protection orders was abandoned.
MoJ finally opens refund scheme for court fees
Some people may have paid too much for services between April 2014 and March 2018.
Cameras in court risks chucking judges under the bus
It’s laudible to increase understanding of the justice system - but without context this move is dangerous.
Sentencing on screen: judges' remarks to be broadcast from Crown courts
Crown court filming will allow for greater transparency, lord chancellor says as bar expresses concern about 'spectator sport'.
Black and Asian drug offenders 'more likely' to be locked up immediately
Sentencing Council research will fuel fears of racial bias in the criminal justice system.
Live-stream family cases in Court of Appeal, says master of the rolls
Sir Terence Etherton says the public ‘should be able to see how we do our job’.
Lunch means lunch: family judge issues wellbeing protocol
Growing workload made worse by electronic communication and 'twenty-four seven' culture.
HMCTS promises better court conditions and security
Suppliers will be penalised for poor standards under new contracts that come into force in April.