All Courts business articles – Page 59
Remote hearings require health safeguards
Lawyers are experiencing eye strain and headaches, and having to concentrate even harder than usual.
Civil trials in Manchester to resume as backlog mounts
Blueprint drawn up for safely starting to hear trials at busy civil justice centre.
Virtual justice is working - but should not become permanent
Rapid review of emergency civil justice measures finds three quarters of lawyers responding positively.
HMCTS spends £3.2m on listing system to cut court delays
Australian software to be tested at small number of courts over the next nine months before it is rolled out nationally.
Let’s be modest with change says online courts guru Susskind
Lords committee hears pleas for a pause to learn lessons from ‘major unscheduled pilot’.
Judges criticise High Court hearing in Wimbledon tickets dispute
Court of Appeal says procedural fairness of 'cardinal importance' when a person's liberty is at stake.
Magistrates deal with 13 cases on first day of 'block listing'
One courtroom dedicated to hearing firm's cases to keep number of people in court to a minimum.
Social distancing causes delays at regional divorce centre
Separating couples face 20-week wait for district judge to consider consent order application.
Guidance for lawyers to keep unsentenced children out of prison
Penal reform charity says young detainees are spending up to 23 hours in their cells.
Home Office urged not to let Covid-19 affect pre-charge bail reform
Law Society warns of further bottlenecks in the criminal justice system.
Judges rule housing possession moratorium includes appeals
Court of Appeal says practice direction focuses on how proceedings were initiated.
Councils told to stop burdening High Court with child vaccination disputes
Court of Appeal says court's time could be better spent dealing with urgent family cases.
Courts 'could come under pressure' to hear complicated possession cases quickly
Solicitor says cases involving private landlords are ones where tenants need legal representation the most.
Firms 'could go bust' if more jury trials don't return
Criminal defence solicitor says Crown court cases ensure firms can break even.
Our new life in justice
A clearer picture is emerging of what life in courts will be like after lockdown.
Tenants could lose access to duty solicitor in eviction cases
Court proposals to resume proceedings include strongly encouraging defendants to get early legal aid help.
Hotels and sports halls being considered as makeshift courts
Novel venues could tackle the backlog while meeting future distancing rules, lord chief justice tells MPs.
Jury trials return to more courts
Judiciary says positive feedback has been received from courts where jury trials have already restarted.
Remote hearings review to report back next week
Team led by Legal Education Foundation's Dr Natalie Byrom received 1,077 responses in two weeks.
Commercial Court activity dips for first time in five years
Proportion of European litigants drops for the second year in a row.