All Courts business articles – Page 153
Supreme Court rules in landmark outsourcing liability case
Solicitor acting for brain-damaged woman hails ‘reassuring’ judgment.
Look outside London to litigate, lord chief justice says
Using lawyers in the regions can reduce costs and increase access to justice, Lord Thomas says in his first speech.
Union battles employment tribunal fees in High Court
Unison presents figures as proof that fees will cut claims numbers.
Press regulation: we’re stuck, please help
It is easy to see why Sir Brian Leveson does not want to say more about regulation of the press.
Flexible working targets more women judges
The move follows legislation in April to improve diversity.
Court rules that girls must have MMR jab
Philippa Dolan acted for mother of two girls after their father started court action over vaccination refusal.
Costs benefit
Rulings since the Jackson reforms have confirmed time and again the importance of complying with the new rules to the letter.
MoJ cancels £75m in unpaid court fines
Shadow justice secretary attacks 50% two-year increase in cancelled fines.
CoA upholds ‘commonsense’ appeal over school PI claim
Judge says court was wrong to award damages to a boy injured at school.
Law Report
Criminal law
Appellants being editors or journalists of News of the World newspaper – Appellants facing criminal charges resulting from phone voicemail-hacking activities – Appellants appealing on preliminary issue concerning transmission of voicemail messages
Law Report
Local government
Budget – Full council of library authority approving budget but making amendment relating to funding of library service
Jackson: we’ll hear from appeal court soon
Lawyers eagerly await the outcome of the Mitchell case, which could take a tough stance on breaches of court rules.
Judicial recusal
The doctrine of judicial recusal dictates that a judge may recuse himself from proceedings if he decides that it is not appropriate for him to hear a case listed to be heard by him.
Lawyer triumphs in rail ticket dispute
Andrew Myers brought case against First Capital Connect, which disputed the validity of a loophole allowing him to save £700.
An unholy trinity - The Sun, Vladimir Putin and the MoJ
On World Mental Health Day, we look at how detained vulnerable people have been affected by legal aid cuts.
Kill off outdated family law, says retiring Coleridge
The private sector should take the lead in developing alternatives to the ‘bloodshed, time and cost’ of court, family judge says.
Open sesame
Now is a great moment to push for data about crime and justice to be published online.
Someone had blunder'd
Has this government learned from the policy blunders of its predecessors? Don’t hold much hope.
Law Report
Criminal law
Defendants being charged with a number of terrorism-related offences – First defendant’s trial counsel’s conduct at trial being criticised by judge and prosecution counsel on numerous occasions during trial