All Courts business articles – Page 147
Legal services orders
A recent decision should herald an increase in the use of legal services orders.
Employment claimants go forum shopping
It is ‘unclear’ whether the claims total has plummeted by the official figure of 80%, a former president of Employment Tribunals says.
Chartwell – relief from sanctions
A judgment deriving from an exception to the general rule on efficiency and proportionality.
Family Drug and Alcohol Court: breaking the habit
Despite precarious funding, the court has pioneered an approach to fighting parental addiction that keeps more families together.
Law Report
The First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (the FTT) assessed the claimant asylum seeker as a minor, but the High Court in distinct judicial review proceedings found that he was not a minor.
It’s impossible to solve the Mitchell riddle
Jackson wanted consistency; lawyers want common sense. The two are incompatible.
Ministry plays down fee protest as judge acts
Government insists solicitor boycott has had ‘minimal’ impact, after a judge issued a note on dealing with unrepresented defendants.
Appeal court set for triple Mitchell showdown
Master of the rolls to hear appeals that should finally offer clarity over post-Jackson landscape.
Criticising judges: a risky business?
How might the abolition of ‘scandalising the judiciary’ in statute affect public attacks on judges?
Vulnerable people and competing rights
How does a Court of Protection judgment affect the media’s potential role in welfare proceedings?
The death of ambush litigation
Some solicitors do not properly appreciate the importance of getting their costs statements in on time in the tough new compliance environment.
Mena litigants flock to London’s Commercial Court
Only 23.2% of all parties were British, showing a 48% overall decline since 2008, according to figures.
Solicitor denied judicial post loses challenge
Graham Stuart Jones’s application to become a district judge was rejected because he had seven penalty points on his driving licence.
Fix the courts instead of pushing ADR
Instead of constantly pushing alternative methods, the government should hire more court staff.
Law Report
The claimant’s race discrimination claim against the Lawn Tennis Association was dismissed.
Interpreters contract ‘unacceptable’ – top family judge
Sir James Munby criticises the MoJ’s contract with Capita after being forced to abandon a final adoption hearing for want of interpreters.
Landmark whistleblowing case could ‘open floodgates’
Employment lawers say the Bates van Winkelhof case could open firms to more claims.
Law Report
The claimant solicitor brought an action for misuse of private and confidential information and harassment, and for damages against the defendant sex worker.
Court of Appeal overturns stay in case hit by bar boycott
The trial against five defendants charged with fraud will continue after the court overturned the stay.
Appeal court sets aside £186k professional negligence claim
Solicitor John Darby had not advised client of a user covenant put in place 22 years before by the neighbours.