All Courts business articles – Page 144
‘Bullying’ senior MoJ lawyer loses injunction fight
Robert Hendy denied allegations of bullying and harassment of solicitor colleagues.
Hundreds of cases left without interpreter
Capita has failed to reach the 98% performance target since the start of the contract.
Plans revealed to slash coroner areas by at least 25%
Chief coroner Judge Peter Thornton QC says structural changes are needed to merge smaller areas.
News focus: revised Mitchell guidance
Solicitors welcome ‘commonsense’ guidance on relief from sanction.
Where’s the apology for Mitchell chaos?
It cannot just be district judges and opportunistic solicitors to blame for the mess the original Mitchell judgment caused.
Firm wins court battle over legal contract tender
DWF issued proceedings against the Insolvency Service over a tendering exercise for contracts worth up to £50m.
The retreat from Mitchell
Last week’s compliance guidance offers a more nuanced approach to penalty enforcement. Triviality has gone.
Appeal judge’s anger at ‘depressing litigation’
Lord Justice Tomlinson ‘unhesitatingly’ allows appeal after the original judge had stopped a case for non-service within four-month period.
Mitchell judgments restore co-operation to litigation – Law Society
Reaction largely positive from across the legal profession.
Dyson: Mitchell guidance ‘misunderstood and misapplied’
Master of the rolls upholds trio of appeals in bid to bring clarity to position. Watch the broadcast, in association with Sky News.
Law Report
Legal aid
Six claims were heard together in which each claimant challenged the defendant Director of Legal Aid Casework’s decisions refusing to grant legal aid in respect of their immigration proceedings.
Supreme Court dismisses ‘right to die’ appeal
Majority rules that it is up to parliament to change the law.
Rebekah Brooks is innocent. Move on.
Everyone seems to have an opinion on high-profile trials, but justice is not Big Brother.
Management receivership orders
Emma Jarvis on how the Supreme Court has brought management receivership orders back from the brink.
Cases on hold pending post-Mitchell guidance
The Master of the Rolls is expected to issue fresh guidance on relief from sanctions after hearing three post-Mitchell cases in the Court of Appeal.
Consumer protection at a cost
While the Jet2 ruling supported the rights of customers, the court’s decision stretched the meaning of a European regulation.
Court of Appeal rules against second airline on flight delays
Claimant had been delayed by six hours on a flight from Gatwick to the Dominican Republic and sought £480 compensation.
Featured broadcast: Mitchell sanctions damaging to litigation – Society
The Law Society calls for clear guidance on costs sanctions and a re-emphasis of parts of the Mitchell judgment. Featuring a broadcast of proceedings, courtesy of Sky News.
Battle lines drawn at CoA for Mitchell triple-header
Lord Dyson, joined on the bench by Lord Justice Jackson, will hear three cases today and tomorrow concerning relief from sanctions.