All Courts business articles – Page 143
Financial remedy applications
A summary of the significant procedural developments affecting applications in the family court.
Commercial Court: ahead of the game
In the face of stiff competition from international rivals, can the Commercial Court maintain its pre-eminent position?
Thousands wait as airlines refuse delay compensation
The Gazette understands the majority of airlines have deferred any payments until the Supreme Court's decision in Huzar v Jet2.
Probation union says system ‘in chaos’
Probation workers have said the service is ‘in chaos’ following the government’s decision to privatise parts of the system. Speaking at a Labour party conference fringe event, NAPO spokeswoman Tania Bassett said the performance of the probation service since moving into private sector hands was worse than the union first ...
Insurer to bear costs of mirror wills mix-up
Supreme Court finds it would be unfair to settle parties’ costs from the estate as claimant would suffer a loss.
Law Report
The Commercial Court dismissed the claimants’ application for an injunction pursuant to section 37 of the Senior Courts Act 1981 to restrain the first defendant from pursuing or taking any step in proceedings commenced against the second and third claimants in the supreme court of New York.
Slump in tribunal cases prompts review calls
Number of claim receipts in tribunals falls by 71%.
Courts, TV and Twitter – the perfect combination?
Electronic media will change courtroom behaviour, but not necessarily in the way most people assume.
Earliest call of duty?
Memories of being perhaps the first duty solicitors – and assisting in court at launch of Reading music festival.
Fears over closure of court canteens
HMCTS on-site catering contracts expire at the end of August.
Some family hearings could be public, Munby says
Head of the family division sets out plans to reduce the secrecy of the system.
Nominal damages for ‘negligent’ yacht advice
High Court hears that firm made a ‘blunder’ on yacht which broke down within an hour of purchase.
Applications made without notice
Julie Exton explains recent guidance, which has been circulated via designated family judges.
Solicitor was ‘employee’ and not partner, High Court rules
Claimants said they believed conveyancing specialist was a partner, but court dismisses case.
Law Report
Residence test
The claimant sought judicial review of the secretary of state’s proposal, by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2014, to introduce a residence test for cases most in need of public funding.
Lawyers take mesothelioma fight to High Court
A victims’ support group is challenging the government’s decision that sufferers use part of their compensation for insurance and costs.
Court reforms are urgent
An innovative drug and alcohol project shows the courts need a bigger role in tackling social problems.
Dispute resolution: use of tiered clauses
A recent decision provides support for the validity of so-called escalation clauses.