All Courts business articles – Page 136
Judgment reserved in criminal legal aid appeal
Master of the rolls says court will try to deliver judgment on crime duty tender process as quickly as possible.
Criminal legal aid challenge resumes
Law Society and practitioner groups continue their fight in the Court of Appeal.
Law Report
The court had booked two interpreters, but they were not provided and a hearing was adjourned. The local authority sought recovery of its costs of that hearing against Capita, which is contracted to provide interpreters.
Identification and open justice
Considering anonymity orders for children in personal injury cases in light of a recent Court of Appeal judgment.
Rush to file claims as civil court levy kicks in
Fee changes were brought into force just seven weeks after they were announced, despite widespread opposition.
Record activity at EU court
The Court of Justice of the European Union heard 719 cases in 2014, the busiest year in the court’s history.
US firm awarded £50k after abuse posted on Google profile
Court rejects explanation that statements were made by ‘unidentified third party’.
Judge slashes ‘wholly unreliable’ costs budget by £5.3m
Firm heavily criticised after one of the biggest budget cuts made since Jackson reforms.
Law Report
Following concerns about the safety of the claimant’s factory in Bangladesh, Primark withdrew its outstanding contracts with the claimant. The claimant brought a claim for damages for alleged defamatory statements published by Primark. Primark applied for the claim to be struck out as an abuse of process.
Family court hammers firm in compliance crackdown
Judge makes wasted costs order against Barrett & Thomson for failing to keep court informed.
Grayling JR amendment ‘unlawful’ – High Court
Solicitors challenged lord chancellor’s ‘no permission, no fee’ arrangement.
Court fee hike set for next week
Parliamentary approval likely to be granted in the House of Lords before implementation.
Court fees: we will pay a price
Government plans to greatly increase court fees in order to generate extra revenue will compromise justice and harm consumers.
Online motoring pleas go national
Nearly one-third of people accused of low-level traffic offences have taken up the opportunity to plead online, the Ministry of Justice says.
Airline ordered to pay delayed-flight compensation
Claimant firm wins another court battle with airline over payments for late flights.
Appeal granted on criminal legal aid
Court of Appeal to hear challenges to lord chancellor’s two-tier duty contract reforms on 10 and 11 March.
Leveson warns defenders on procedure ‘trap’
Court of Appeal judgment highlights case management pressures.
Claimant who missed hearing escapes sanctions
Mr Justice Sweeney said case management decisions are ‘not lightly to be interfered with’.