All Comment articles – Page 3
AI's impact on the role of the GC
Businesses should recognise that general counsel are working increasingly hard to grapple with AI and look to ensure this talent is developed and nurtured.
The right family justice process for abuse survivors
Further amendments to the Family Procedure Rules could be considered to ensure courts explicitly consider whether domestic abuse explains reluctance for non-court dispute resolution.
Driving greater judicial diversity is a team sport
If we want our judicial benches to better reflect British society, we need to work together with applicants, the professions and the judiciary to prepare talented candidates.
The rise and fall of 'parental alienation'
Does the Family Justice Council's latest guidance ring the death knell for 'parental alienation'?
Sentencing powers – something for nothing
The government's rationale for increasing the custodial sentencing powers of magistrates does not stand up to scrutiny.
The great contribution of legal services to the UK economy
While the legal sector outpaces the growth of the UK economy, its unique value rests in how it benefits society.
The legal profession: building trust within a diverse society
Enlisting trust and confidence from the person you are representing can only be in the best interest of your client.
Reaffirming our commitment to justice: a constructive opposition
It is my aim to work towards a justice system that is not just efficient, but equitable, writes shadow solicitor general Helen Grant.
Embattled and error-prone SRA needs a total reset
Regulation gone wrong: the watchdog needs to revert to doing what it is supposed to do.
'End of Life' bill: Need for scrutiny should not mask its beneficial principle
Former Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger explains why he strongly supports the principle behind the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.
Family court reporting pilot – a lawyer's perspective
Now the door is open for journalists to report family court cases, it will be hard, if not impossible, to backtrack.
Family law advice for the neurodivergent community
Seven family lawyers have joined forces to make the family justice system more neurodivergent-friendly.
Medical perspectives on the ‘End of Life’ bill
I contacted doctors I know and respect, but whose views on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill I did not know. Two replied at length.
Service Justice System failure
Rarely a week goes by without a headline documenting a case of sexual harassment or assault in the armed forces.
How the Law Society Charity helps firms to help others
The charity uses funds to support organisations working to promote human rights, increase access to justice and to improve legal education in the public domain.
Why are pro bono work and the LGBTQ+ communities still needed today?
Pro Bono week reminded me that pro bono legal work can be a life saver and a sanity saver. This is especially true if you are a member of the LGBTQ+ communities.
The power of pro bono
Pro bono work taught me how to advocate, how to give my clients a voice and how to seek redress. It taught me how to be a lawyer.
More support needed for men in the criminal justice system
Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month aims to reduce the stigma around asking for help.
SRA wants profession to move on from Axiom Ince - but won’t apologise
The regulator chair’s argument that issues are 'history' will infuriate those waiting for answers.
Deploying mediation skills outside law
With many lawyers also trained mediators, how many are aware of the varied arenas outside the legal process where those skills can be deployed?