All Careers articles – Page 5
I wish to retrain as a paralegal, is this achievable with my age and background?
I am 48 years old and have previously worked as a contracts manager although now I am doing care work. I have always had a huge interest in law and would like to retrain as a paralegal. My question is that at my age and background is this a pipe ...
I am nearly six years’ PQE and am becoming bored and stagnating. I want a new challenge but do not want to start at the bottom.
’I am a family solicitor practising in child care/child abduction. I recently had an appraisal with our managing partner and expressed a desire to expand into advising other areas of law. I am nearly six years’ PQE and am becoming bored and stagnating. I want a new challenge but ...
I was recently made redundant, do you have any ideas regarding diversification moving forwards?
’I have been made redundant from my last firm, a small practice who has been struggling to attract higher value multi-track work. I had been there for over 17 years as salaried partner and was competing with the equity partner within the PI dept and the firm overall. I ...
Puzzling exam questions
Junior lawyers believe the super exam could lead to a two-tier profession.
How much? Super-exam funding poser
Some firms are considering suspending their graduate recruitment programmes until more information is forthcoming about the new Solicitors Qualifying Examination, the Gazette understands.
News focus: SQE grand design needs work
Centralised assessment for all aspiring solicitors will be introduced from 2020 by means of a new ‘super exam’. But the Solicitors Regulation Authority still has plenty to do
Law management: Law Society reveals plans for career improvements
The Law Society must go further than help solicitors meet basic ‘competence’ requirements, providing services to help members develop and progress their careers, Society president Robert Bourns told the annual Law Management Section conference last month.
Law management: Exam-like grades for client satisfaction helped turn around Oxford firm Darbys
‘A tower of turnover falls over.’
What law firms want from an exam
The new ‘super exam’ is a necessary minimum rather than the fully fledged standard the market demands, says BPP dean Peter Crisp.
India: child victims turn to law
The law is being used in India to enable victims of child prostitution to become lawyers.
Returning to work and running a practice
You've taken time out to have children. How do you ensure that you can be a success upon returning to the law?
More City firms post falling trainee retention rates
Allen & Overy and Simmons & Simmons latest to reveal figures.
Career guidance given to in-house lawyers
Taking on non-executive directorship roles can help to challenge the stereotypes and prejudice that in-house solicitors face, Law Society seminar told.
Apprenticeships: entry leveller
To mark National Apprenticeship Week, we spoke to some of the young pioneers who are following the ‘Trailblazer’ track to qualification.
Women in law: City limits
City firms are hiring women in record numbers – and then losing them. Detailed research has uncovered reasons why.
CBI calls for rethink of apprenticeship levy for law firms
Levy ‘misunderstands’ training by seeing it only in terms of apprenticeships, says CBI director Carolyn Fairbairn.
Career paths blocked as partners retire later
Firms expect a rise in the retirement age would affect opportunities for partner development,