All articles by Bianca Castro – Page 9
Managing partner asked junior to lie in client email
Tribunal finds solicitor acted ‘dishonestly’ in instructing junior colleague who was only three weeks’ qualified.
Quinn Emanuel ordered to reveal ‘middleman’ in alleged arbitration forgery
Russian billionaire granted application for disclosure as he ‘genuinely seeks lawful redress of a serious wrong’.
Slater and Gordon in court over settlement deduction claim
The High Court costs hearing is dealing with test cases over personal injury settlements.
SDT lifts solicitor’s suspension with ‘stringent conditions’
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal accepts lawyer had 'insight into, and remorse for, his misconduct'.
In depth: SFO's settlement with ENRC is not the end of the saga
Serious Fraud Office settles with ENRC on the courtroom steps – but the use of a confidential order to keep secret details of the deal raises questions about transparency and the public interest.
'Legally misconceived': top defence silk condemns SRA prosecution and costs appeal
Solicitors Regulation Authority says it is ‘looking into’ the case in which it is accused of not disclosing all evidence in costs appeal.
‘Alleges’ expunged from Cafcass domestic abuse policy
New policy follows 2020 report which found the family justice system did not effectively protect victims of domestic abuse.
Firm entitled to 75% of its costs after seeing off negligence claim
High Court judge finds Yorkshire-based firm ‘should receive large proportion’ of its costs.
‘Wagatha’: no misconduct over costs transparency by Rooney’s solicitors
Senior costs judge highlights that statement of truth in budget form may need to be looked at to see if it is ‘sufficiently clear’.
‘We have agreement’: ENRC and SFO settle on court steps
Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation and Serious Fraud Office reach undisclosed agreement at opening of seven-week hearing.
Apologetic magistrate spoken to over ‘unacceptable’ behaviour in court
JCIO said magistrate spoke to a legal adviser in a manner that upset her.
Unregistered barrister disbarred over job application claim
BSB says public should expect ‘barristers are accurate in representing any practising history or entitlement to practise’.
Rebekah Vardy challenges Coleen Rooney’s £2m legal bill
Footballers’ wives return to High Court over cost dispute with claimed costs including stay at Nobu Hotel.
Judge wrong to ditch financial dispute resolution
Mr Justice Peel, sitting in the High Court’s Family Division, overturns decision to dispense with FDR.
Harassment complaints dip at bar while pupillages surge, watchdog reports
Regulator’s annual report finds complaints involving alleged social media misuse also fell.
Solicitor judge sanctioned for being ‘overfamiliar’ with staffer
Experienced office-holder intended to be friendly but made a member of staff uncomfortable by ‘excessive’ sharing of personal anecdotes.
£1.3m negligence claim against Birmingham firm out of time
High Court judge finds divorcee would have had knowledge of limitation period and her claim against Martineau Johnson was time-barred.
Restrictions imposed on former international firm employee over exam lie
Solicitors Regulation Authority finds it ‘undesirable’ for assistant accountant to be involved in a legal practice.
Former DWF partner struck off over sexual communication with minor
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal also orders convicted former solicitor to pay £3,000 costs.
Lord chancellor pledges to defend judiciary's independence
‘Enemies of the people’ headlines will not go unchallenged, Shabana Mahmood tells judges.