All articles by Bianca Castro – Page 7
Glass ceiling gap: England and Wales among worst offenders
International Bar Association’s progress report collates data from more than 170,000 lawyers and judges from 12 jurisdictions.
Shiner sentencing delayed by a week
No reason given for the vacated sentencing date following legal aid fraud conviction.
UK legal services market grows 50% in decade
Law Society’s new report shows legal sector’s turnover increased by 45% in last 10 years.
Recorder sanctioned for using his mobile while driving
JCIO says the lady chief justice and lord chancellor found formal advice was a ‘reasonable and proportionate sanction’.
Sports law firm settles debt dispute
Manchester firm acting in data misuse claims says ‘honouring well-earned reputation is most important thing’.
Sidhu made hotel room incident 'so normal', tribunal hears
Person 2, who undertook a mini-pupillage with former Criminal Bar Association chair, told the five-person panel she knew what happened with top silk ‘was wrong’.
More district judges sanctioned over delays
Lady chief justice and lord chancellor agree with formal advice for misconduct over months-long delays.
Conveyancing solicitor fined after failing to disclose link to borrower
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal fines lawyer £12,500 and orders he pay almost £20,000 in costs.
Solicitor culpable over fraudulent trading ahead of LCF collapse
High Court judgment finds number of defendants, including lawyer, liable to LCF for their knowing participation in the fradulent conduct of LCF’s business.
Lawyers link mental health struggles to their finances
Review finds lawyers with financial worries reported feeling anxious, a lack of motivation and sleepless nights.
Former criminal bar chair Sidhu groomed aspiring lawyers for favours, tribunal hears
Sidhu’s alleged misconduct centres on his ‘predatory behaviour’ towards young women, a bar tribunal heard yesterday.
Recorder sanctioned over delayed court order
Judicial Conduct Investigations Office says delay was serious enough breach to require disciplinary measure.
Allegations against former CBA chair Jo Sidhu ‘exceptionally serious’, tribunal told
Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service turns down stay application following failed privacy and anonymity application.
Criminal bar champion Sidhu fails in tribunal privacy bid
Five-person panel dismisses privacy and anonymity application, which means case against Sidhu can be heard in public.
Firm must pay part-time paralegal £41,000 over employment dispute
Employment judge awards £22,500 for hurt, distress and humiliation as part of £41,000 total remedy.
Magistrate who provided reference for defendant given formal advice
Judicial Conduct Investigations Office says the magistrate apologised and took full responsibility for her actions.
No authority for claim over Nigeria pollution settlement against Leigh Day
Firm says judgment means it can ‘focus on progressing the ongoing clean-up claim’ in relation to Nigerian oil spills.
Family Court transparency pilot extends to magistrates cases
Extension coincides with start of 'family court reporting week', which seeks to highlight the value of more open justice.
No evidence of racial bias in SRA enforcement process
Regulator says academic research confirms that ethnicity is a 'consistent predictive factor' in enforcement.
Magistrate’s ‘discourteous’ comment about colleague leads to formal advice
‘Audible comment…risked bringing the magistracy into disrepute’, Judicial Conduct Investigations Office rules.