All articles by Bianca Castro – Page 21
Solicitor tells court of death threat from 'horrifying…stone cold' defendant
Receptionist managed to kick a knife away before a solicitor restrained Cavan Medlock, who denies two charges against him, court hears.
Education charity calls on volunteers for legal lessons campaign
Law Society and Mishcon de Reya put their support behind Young Citizens’ The Big Legal Lesson.
News focus: Initiative to clear rape cases is 'plaster for a bullet wound'
A new initiative to clear rape cases which have been in the system for more than two years is welcome, but lawyers say investment in a dedicated workforce is the only way to tackle the backlog properly.
Judge asks attorney general to identify former solicitor as vexatious litigant
Solicitors Regulation Authority says the ex-lawyer’s ‘unfortunate obsession’ with the regulator and Law Society continues ‘unabated’.
‘Special permission’ granted for law clinic’s family court base
Teesside University Law Clinic says the new family court initative is ‘one of only two similar schemes in the whole country’.
Barrister disbarred over fee note
Bar Standards Board says sanction reflects that ‘dishonesty is wholly incompatible with membership of the bar’.
Judicial blitz on 'stain' of delayed alleged rape cases
Lord Justice Edis says 181 rape cases which have reached or passed their second anniversary will be dealt with by this summer.
Magistrate given formal advice for misconduct over council tax bill
Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said the magistrate had apologised for her actions.
Decision to refuse relocation to Afghan judge 'plainly faulty'
High Court says it was ‘beyond doubt’ that Helmand Province lawyer had ‘made a substantive and positive contribution’.
Court hears strike-out application in MPs' fight over allegedly libellous tweet
Court told MP Andrew Bridgen is not named in Matt Hancock’s tweet at the centre of the claim.
£70m arbitration award was fabricated, judge finds
Substantial parts of the claimed Kuwaiti award had been taken from another High Court judgment, raising ‘serious questions’.
Barrister wins appeal over disbarment for sexual harassment of pupils
Court orders sanction to be remitted to a new tribunal panel for ‘fresh determination’.
Former solicitor Khan fights contempt committal in Court of Appeal
Three-day hearing is the latest in a long-running dispute between Soophia Khan and the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Immigration solicitor caught in BBC sting appeals strike-off
Ex-solicitor, who appeared in court yesterday, claims he was ‘play acting’ and that recordings were tampered with.
Design of the times: Aldi fails in appeal over gin-based liqueur bottle
Court of Appeal judges dismiss the German brand’s appeal, finding previous judge 'made no error in principle' when comparing bottles’ overall impressions.
Partner suspended for using colleague's electronic signature
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal said 'given the nature of the misconduct…a short suspension was an appropriate and proportionate penalty'.
Solicitor who acted in personal capacity without firm’s knowledge struck off
Practitioner admitted requesting and receiving money from six clients.
Offenders on community orders will be required to report name changes
Community and Suspended Sentences (Notifications of Details) Bill, which will amend the Sentencing Act 2020, has passed its second reading.
Solicitor struck off over 'inappropriate and offensive' tweets
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal makes no order as to costs and a substantive judgment will appear in due course.
Legislation to quash Post Office convictions 'does not set precedent'
Business minister says proposed legislation is likely to exonerate some who were guilty - but it is 'a price worth paying'.