You might expect lawyers to be a logical breed, immune to superstition. But not so the US trial lawyer, according to last week’s New York Times.

The paper revealed the little rituals followed by some of the country’s top lawyers during trials: ordering the same meal everyday (Mayan sun salad with sautéed fillet of salmon); not having a haircut until the trial is over; only leaving and entering the courthouse by a certain door; and never writing in black ink.

Lawyer Peter E. Quijano recently ordered a cheddar burger and bloody Mary from the same waitress in the same booth of the same restaurant for three consecutive days while awaiting a verdict. More amusingly, he also tries to insert the name of his Scottish terrier, Watson, into his summations.

Pretty barking, you would have to say. But Obiter wonders whether any lawyers on this side of the pond have anything similar to share?
