Every office has one. The dedicated, workaholic employee who is so committed to their duties that they refuse to join their more carefree colleagues in abandoning their desks, boarding a flight to warmer climes and spending two weeks lying on a beach towel with their nose in a crime thriller.

But could there be a more sinister motive behind their determination not to take a break? Could they, in fact, be a fraudster?

This was the stark warning given this week by accountants Ernst & Young, who advise that ‘two weeks in the sun could save employers millions in fraud’. Apparently, many frauds are detected when thieving employees are away on vacation and unable to cover their tracks as they normally would. It is only when a more honest colleague takes over for a few weeks that discrepancies become apparent.

Ernst & Young partner Jonathan Middup says: ‘The profile of a typical fraudster is a long-serving, trusted employee, who works long hours and is reluctant to take their annual leave. One of the most simple and cost-effective anti-fraud measures is to ensure employees take at least two consecutive weeks’ holiday.’

Well, if he insists. Now, where did Obiter put the latest John Grisham?