Just in, this match report from a gruelling international rugby encounter between the Cardiff Lawyers XV and their Parisian counterparts, Rugby Club du Palais de Justice de Paris. Mark Rostron, partner at Hunt & Morgan, informs Obiter that it was a physical encounter with hard hits going in from both sides, though thankfully the French opted for passive scrums (something to do with their insurance).

Indeed, the referee even saw fit to castigate Cardiff Lawyers’ entire back row for their exuberance in the first half.

But the second half saw a combination of fatigue and lack of replacements leading to holes opening up in Cardiff Lawyers’ defence, duly exploited by their Gallic rivals, with the final whistle seeing the Parisians victorious.

The French lawyers will visit Cardiff next year for a return match to coincide with the Wales-France international (contact mrostron@hunt-morgan.co.uk). As they say across the channel, la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid.