Obiter was intrigued to learn this week about the latest initiative to stem from James Mather, the solicitor behind website

Mather’s new venture is, a service that enables clients to change what they are called for a £20 fixed fee.

Clearly Mather must believe there are plenty of folk out there seeking to avail themselves of the service, and a quick Google search by Obiter indicates that he might be right. A 2009 study by uncovered a plethora of amusing real names: Justin Case; Paige Turner; Annette Curtain; and Stan Still – whose RAF commanding officer used to delight in shouting, ‘Stan Still, get a move on’, much to his annoyance.

But amusing puns are not the only reason people are likely to use the service. Obiter is informed that one of Mather’s clients changed her real name to her nickname because that was what had been printed on her flight tickets, and it was cheaper to pay £20 to change her name than the £450 the airline would have charged to reissue the tickets.