Thanks to everyone who entered our competition to update the storyline of Bizet’s Carmen for a modern, legally savvy audience.

One entry stood out: ‘Carmen should be a life coach, Jose an environmental consultant and Escamillo could run a donkey sanctuary. When Carmen dumps Jose for Escamillo, Jose becomes a troll defaming Carmen on Twitter and posting inappropriate photos of her on the internet.

‘Carmen further humiliates Jose by defriending him on Facebook. Jose puts photos on Instagram of donkeys being made into burgers and Escamillo sets up an online campaign pointing out that Jose’s consultancy is based in Luxembourg and pays no tax. Carmen realises the futility of being a life coach and goes back to her job as a corporate lawyer in a magic circle firm.

‘Curtain falls as she is seen at her desk staring at an agreement at 4.00 am. What could be more tragic?’

Well done Mark Briegal, of Aaron & Partners, Manchester, who wins tickets to Carmen at the Royal Albert Hall.