With more than 100 ABS-wannabes at stage 2 of the laborious application process, we’re not expecting a brass band to march down Chancery Lane every time the SRA approves a new alternative business structure.

But perhaps it might be worth telling the successful firm itself?

Parchment Law Group became the seventh alternative business structure when it appeared on the SRA’s ABS register last Friday. Naturally we called the firm for comment and more information, but the helpful receptionist said that nobody else was in the office that day.

Had the entire team disappeared down to the pub in celebration? Far from it: when we got through to head of legal practice, Valerie Shiman, on Monday, she explained that the firm hadn’t been expecting to hear news until this week and the announcement came as much of a surprise to it as anybody.

‘SRA quicker off the ball than expected’ makes a nice ‘Man bites dog’ headline - but perhaps just a little warning might have been in order?