Any lawyers who consider themselves to be hardworking, dedicated types may be concerned to learn that they are in the minority within the profession. That is, if you believe the results of a survey of 500 legal professionals conducted by online jobs board According to the survey, a quarter of those in the legal industry admit to indulging in a spot of online shopping while they are meant to be working (the researchers suggest they are snapping up ‘Prada handbags’, but perhaps they are not fully aware of the tribulations faced by firms outside the Square Mile right now. TK Maxx is more like it). Some, however, are either more diligent by nature, or simply hooked on their Blackberrys; 50% said they would be ‘helpless’ without their little mobile life support, while the same proportion fessed up to having checked emails on 25 December. More intriguingly, the survey found that one in eight legal professionals had done ‘something they regretted’ at their work Christmas party; and of these, 70% were male. ‘We’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions from that,’ say the researchers. In which case, Obiter concludes that male lawyers must be far more likely to own up to festive faux pas.