How much does an ex-justice secretary cost? This question may be of more than passing interest to Ken Clarke, as political seers believe a Cabinet reshuffle may be imminent which could see the wily Westminster veteran jettisoned.

Happily, Obiter can help with the answer. Former incumbent Jack Straw (pictured) has certainly put himself about since losing office, and the Blackburn MP has picked up a few bob along the way. The register of members’ interests shows that Straw pocketed nearly £5,000 from Rupert Murdoch’s News International for newspaper articles in the Sun and Times in 2011 - though, admittedly, at a relatively modest £500 a pop.

More lucrative have been his speaking engagements, which have netted him a near six-figure sum in addition to his £66,000 MP’s salary.

Still, we wonder whether defendant law firm Keoghs got value for its investment in the erstwhile lord chancellor. The firm shelled out £3,000 for a Straw speech in November 2011, while just three weeks earlier Blackburn solicitors Forbes and Partners offered up just six bottles of wine, worth a distinctly non-vintage £75, for a different Straw speech at Manchester Town Hall. It’s a rich list indeed, and in more ways than one. Another eye-catching entry is the £750 Straw earned from the Guardian for reviewing Alistair Campbell’s diaries. Surely that should have been a Labour (sic) of love.

We could go on. In fact, we will. Next week: Jack drops in on the prime minister of Ukraine.