It looks as if someone at the Ministry of Justice is taking ‘hug a hoodie’ a bit literally. Newly released itemised details of government credit card purchases of £500 or more show that, in August, the department spent £655.20 at, purveyor of ‘wholesale polo shirts, T-shirts and hoodies’.

In common with the rest of Fleet Street, Obiter has been going through the data line by line in search of evidence that civil servants are living the life of Riley while slashing fripperies like legal aid.

Alas, the stream of payments for stationery and building supplies suggests more mundane pre­occupations. Still, animal lovers will be pleased to know that the MoJ shares their passion, if payments of £504.30 to the Cliffe Veterinary Group, £945 and £705.60 to the Crossroads Kennels, £691.47 to Pet Doctors Ltd and £754.00 to Khyber Kennels are any guide.