Never let it be said that the Law Society is old-fashioned. Our leaders know there is more to social media than a coffee in the Chancery Lane Reading Room - indeed they’ve even noticed the existence of Twitter and Facebook.

Last week the Society issued practice notes for those not quite as au fait with the modern world, with advice on the pitfalls and dangers of idle thumbs and thoughtless comments.

Techies will find some of the 4,000-odd words of guidance a lesson in the art of egg-sucking.

But there are some interesting and useful nuggets, not least warnings over potential defamation and confidentiality breaches. Firms are warned that information on social media sites could be produced by either side in litigation, while Twitter and Facebook accounts can take more than a month to disappear after deletion.

Social networking is hailed for its ability to raise profile, help to engage with clients, reach a wider audience and self-advertise. The verdict? Don’t be afraid to enter the tweetosphere - just take care when you get there.