Obiter understands why readers who work in criminal justice might be distracted by the Ministry of Justice’s attempts, to put it kindly, to fillet their livelihoods. But as you occasionally lift your eyes from rejected LSC forms, don’t you wonder what the few who come after you might be wearing?

One answer is in the London School of Economics’ student newspaper the Beaver (you read that title right), which last week featured criminal justice policy MSc student Laura Randall in its ‘Campus Style’ column. Dressed all in black, Randall told the Beaver she doesn’t own a suit, but has managed to find a Scandinavian suit jacket, a leather tie (‘I wear a lot of leather’), dark glasses and ‘very battered Topshop shoes’. Encouragingly for any middle-aged solicitors feeling a bit out-dressed by Randall, she insisted her style pays ‘homage to a bygone era’. Obiter and our friends may yet avoid the need to go shopping.