The Law Society today launches a new member-focused strategy to ‘represent, promote and support’ solicitors.
The strategy has been developed following wide-ranging conversations with members in person and over a variety of media. It incorporates three new strategic aims:
- Representing solicitors – ‘we will represent solicitors by speaking out for justice and on legal issues’;
- Promoting solicitors – ‘we will promote the value of using a solicitor’;
- Supporting solicitors – ‘we will support solicitors to develop their expertise and their businesses, whether they work in firms, in-house or for themselves’.
Catherine Dixon, who took the reins at Chancery Lane at the start of this year, said: ‘I am delighted and very proud to launch the Law Society’s strategy.
‘The solicitor profession is experiencing unprecedented change from increasing globalisation, technological advances, new structures, reductions in public spending on justice, changes in regulation and increased competition.
‘With change come opportunities as well as challenges. The Society is committed to representing, promoting and supporting solicitors wherever they may practise.
’Our vision is for the Society to be valued and trusted as a vital partner to represent, promote and support solicitors while upholding the rule of law, legal independence, ethical values and the principle of justice for all.’
More detail on each aim is available on the Law Society website.
Chancery Lane has also published a three-year plan which sets out what it will do to deliver the strategy ‘so our members can see how we can help them in an ever-changing competitive environment, whether they work in firms, in-house or as sole practitioners’.
For more information see Catherine Dixon’s article about the new strategy in today’s Gazette.
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